Rugby- Rape Culture and Misogyny

I’ve been sent the latest video with Denis Coulson — I’m putting it in the members lounge - 50 post minimum before you can access it.

Busy today mate?

Rape thread bumped and you post within seconds … you busy today mate?

Up the facking walls. It’s the only thread I keep track off

I can PM you direct next time?

Well that and giraffe watch, my two favourites

No thanks, pms are for the weirdos

That’s why I was going to PM you.

someone sent you a video of a rape?

That’s why I like you bro, the razor sharp one liners

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Is he a cereal rapist?

It’s all over the whatsapp

you are sharing videos of a woman being raped?

With you? Not a hope.

how many times have you watched it?

And you say I hate women? How many are in the members lounge, or is it the champagne room?

Can rugby lads not have sex with a girl unless there are a few other rugby lads with their knobs out nearby?

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Only a bit of bantz


They can’t maintain an erection without looking at other men.


This could trigger a lot of lads here

It has certainly triggered the nutters of Spain’s far right party Vox