Rugby- Rape Culture and Misogyny

Informative rating.

Cicero_Dandi, would you ride another man in the arse in exchange for €1,000,000 being given to your favourite charity? If you were unable to get an erection then the gay could ride you in the arse alternatively.

No. I don’t have a favourite charity.


To be fair, I think the rate is only 8 out of 10 here.


Almost a third of men and women think it’s acceptable for a man to beat his wife.


The left are vile

Dimmy tries so hard to project.

It’s International Women’s Day — A lot of lads here could learn a few things from Monica

cc @BarneyCurley


A few lads here could learn what day international women’s day is…

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When it falls on a weekend you celebrate it on the Friday before, mate… How else are work going to bombard you with info on inspiring women?

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How to jerk off an old man ?

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What ever you’re into pal. Just make sure it’s consensual.

hillary could learn a lot from monica

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God bless them they have little to be worrying about

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I heard this reported yesterday but didn’t understand it. Is it that a bunch of women had their Insta’s and Snapchats hacked and photos were taken from them? Or how did a bunch of the photos end up being publicly viewable on a forum?

I’m sure @Copper_pipe is down with the kids much more than I, but I reckon thats about right. However it may not be just insta, snap and tiktok, there might be other hacked photos in it.

Its a nasty business though.

Some sort of Irish fappening.

It sounded like they had shared photos somewhere but hadn’t consented to them being shared on from there. Almost like someone had set up a fake sharing site of some sort and women were duped into it under false pretences.

It’s a ridiculously shite thing to happen but I always worry that some people genuinely believe the internet is a fully safe and secure space full of well intentioned people.

Why would they share photos?

I have no clue. I’d only be speculating which I won’t do