Rugby- Rape Culture and Misogyny

Has the Zebo tape been expunged from the internet. I never got to see it so can only imagine the majesty of Cuthbert’s pringle box

I never posted enough here to gain access to the required membership level.

It’s only ok anyway

Only a tight clique can be trusted with content like that

Yeah but everything kids do these days is idiotic. Tiktok and all that shite. Being an idiot is normal now. You’d be stupid not to be an idiot.

Stupider again to be defending idiocy

Are young Irish wans on OnlyFans?

Settle down you deviant

Very creepy post.


Is discord not the software @Rocko runs this place on?

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No this is on discuss.

This is a game changer

The wagons circle

I think Discord is basically like the original Internet chat room?

This is discourse.

Discourse, of course.

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It was a sharing platform originally designed for gamers but is now more widely used. Sharing videos, live chats etc.

It’s decent to be fair. The App is good for the phone.

It’s a TFK but for geeks

I see on twitter the Hayden one who went after that confidence trickster/govt shill in Newbridge seems to have placed herself be at the centre of this scandel as well. Along with some young one from limerick who seems to have something to do with only fans.