Rugby- Rape Culture and Misogyny

Where does the rugby come into it?

You have to read it to find out

TUM called this. Again. Clairvoyant levels of EQ

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A virtual rape… Be careful out there guys.

Is this like a frape?


Call the volice.

War crimes tribunal for Call of Duty :rofl:


They should be getting jail, the sick bastards.

Not a good look for the Crescent comp.

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Yeah considering that evidence they should have been fucked away. No place for that carry on very sinister. Fair play to her waving her rightto privacy to have thwm named. If they got jail she wouldnt have had to.

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Exactly. I’d say she waived her anonymity for that very reason. Sick cunts.

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Codegreen is a big Crescent man

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In fairness to @codegreen , he wouldnt spare those cunts if he caught a hold of them.

He’s the best of us.


That’s a horrible story. Sounds like the worst of them had gotten away Scott free though and remains unnamed.

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I know the cunt’s name.

People might frequent Hook and Ladder less if they knew the name…

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Rather horrible Second Captains interview with Davey Tweed’s daughter yesterday. Grim listening. I hope that cunt is screaming wherever he is now