Rugby World Cup 2015

That even?

Kearnivorous Dex goes over and the bonus is secured. Job done. Move on.

Canada has a Rugby team?
Who knew.

I know, it’s like the time I found out Roscommon had a hurling team. Just doesn’t seem right. They have some Jap fella playing out half, seems to be some sort of outreach program.

Sexton injured. Game over.

Cannucks have a touch down disallowed … harsh. Looked fine to me*



  • I know absolutely fuck all about rugby btw

Fuck sake he was half the pitch offside.

Nugget gets over :clap:

Time to put that Payne cunt on a boat back to convict town

The Canadian lad gave Madser a fair oul clout in the head when he was touching down there. Nice to see.

why do Rugby refs point in the opposite direction of the free? Confusing as fuck.

Not uncommon, basketball does it that way also, and am I right in saying NFL does also @mac? In drawing a blank at present on it.

How many Concussions so far, lads?

Not when you know the rules


Kearnivorous Rex :clap:

I don’t think so. Canada have some very good pros at very good clubs - Cudmore (Clermont), Hassler (Ospreys) and van der Merwe (Glasgow). It’s the lads the level below who are fucked against the physicality

Are you going to ask this every day or just until someone answers you?


I wouldn’t expect many concussions in this WC. Games will come week in week in the group stages and to admit a concussion could see a player ruled out so there will be any amount of concussions covered up shamefully by medical staff who will make the James Woods character in Any Given Sunday appear a paragon of morality.

No shit mate.

None afaik. World Rugby are very strict now on player safety (i.e. if you watched last nights game you would have seen a Fijian pinged for a relatively harmless bit of rucking as he didn’t wrap the arms)

Unlike the GAA which allows players to have the shit kicked out of them in behind closed doors matches

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Never mind wasting your time on this. Go do some study and tell me what European horses will win at Breeders Cup. Will Pharaoh line up?