Rugby World Cup 2015

So the Yanks, who are pretty shite at Rugby to begin with, put out their second string team against the South Africans. 56k people show up to watch it anyway,
Gas fucking shit.

Some Canadian player who plays with Clermont took to Twitter last night to articulate his disgust at having to pay for his own way home after the World Cup. Seems some of the smaller nations are been rode more than @Tassotti on a park bench

Thought you were nonplussed about rugby, @Mac?

I believe the top tear teams get €10m each for world cup while the lower teams share a pot of 50m that goes to the development of the sport in their countries.

Are we not allowed to discuss topics we’re nonplussed about?

Did you watch Georgia v Namibia in rugby football, mate?

I did mate. I thought that was obvious from my posts about it yesterday evening.

No need to be testy, pal. I’ll pay closer attention to your rugby football posts from now on.

Apologies mate, that post wasn’t supposed to appear as testy, just me answering the question asked.

No worries, mate. Why did you watch the game?

I wanted something easy to watch that didn’t require much concentration. I also had taken TTK’s advice and backed Georgia (-14) so had a financial interest in the event.

You have 42 posts in this thread, pal.

@ChocolateMice has 44 posts - whats your point mate?

@ChocolateMice hates rugby.

You claim to not care about it.

Indeed I do mate

But astute posters have clicked that your pretensions don’t stack up with the actuality.

Why would a guy who doesn’t care about a subject matter continue to feel the need to step in and defend it from criticism?

Why would a guy who doesn’t care about a subject matter be one of the top posters on a thread on that topic, posting constructively and on point with relation to the topic?

This is bizarre behaviour for a guy who professes to have no interest in Rugby.

How may channels do you have access to, mate? There was surely easier and less shit things to watch last night. I did the bet too - how did we get on? I was watching Tipping Point and Pointless myself.

Lovely tribute to the man called “Rala” on Pat Kenny show this morning.
Was agreed Ireland winning the World Cup would be a fitting tribute to Rala as he moves into retirement.
What’s Irish people’s fondness for kit men/psyhios. Mick Byrne was a national figure for years. Imagine no English fan knows who Stuey Lancaster appointed as kit man.
I’ve confused myself on this on.

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Charlie O Leary

And of course, Rackard Cody

I only had access to the basic Sky package last night mate as I wasn’t in my own house. There possibly was easier things to watch but I wasn’t too arsed as I also had to catch up on a days activity from TFK as I was quite busy yesterday.

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