Rugby World Cup 2015

8 points of a lead is significant. 2 scores.

Madigan is a twat.

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Bogball skills being mentioned on ITV.

Peter O’Mahony has been majestic so far.

Strike again while the iron is hot.

Henry for O’Mahony.

Not sure about this.

Injury forces the change.

Carnage in Cardiff.

Tolers: “They reckon the French fatties run off and leave a hole at the breakdown.”

Church doesn’t look too hot either.

Clutch turnover from O’Brien.

Henshaw did great to get the kick away.

Not sure 8 points is enough of a lead.

Nobody has a clue what is going on

Two French fans screaming in fury at a decision in France’s favour :rollseyes:

Penalty France in a kickable position.

Within Michalak’s range.

I hope he takes it as Spedding has been kicking much better than him.

Parra takes it.

And scores.

France 9 Ireland 14.


Nigel to Chris Henry,

“What’s my name”


Ireland aren’t going to score again.

Only 15 minutes of heroic defence can win this.

Difficult to see it, to be honest.


Cue, Nigel Owens as Heisenberg memes before the game ends…

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Brilliant. Just brilliant. :clap:

tfk favourite Conor Murray with the try.

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The leadership ethic within this group is monumental.

Shorn of all their established leaders, they have stepped up in truly astonishing fashion.

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Ryle Nugent must be fuming :laughing:

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