Rugby World Cup 2015

Not sure if you are parodying the Ryle Nugents of this world or if you are actually serious

Gutsy performance by Ireland’s National team

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The futures bright, the futures green. :slight_smile:

It’s a rout!

Helluva performance to be fair

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Time to name and shame the cunts that turned against this Ireland team.

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Pick the post apart if you believe it to be a parody.

A performance that can only inspire total admiration.

Nice one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Well done to Conor for staying focused following the disappointment against NaP today

Very brave :clap:

Iain Henderson was tipped for the top on this forum back in 2010.

How he delivered today.

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Madigan is a tough bit of stuff.

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Paul O Connell, upper hamstring injury.

what’s the recovery time for that?

Would he have access to an ice bath like Cian O’Sullivan ?

Bye bye SOB for the quarter-final. Nice dig, but Pape still inflicted damage on Sexton and O’Mahony.

What would you expect from a fighting cock?

We own those French cunts now. Hup.


The cunt trod on the Tanks foot & got his justs.

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He’ll get off on it yet.


If not he’ll be back for the Semi’s. Probably no harm to give him a rest after bulldozing those gutless cocks today.

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Perhaps, but I’d hate for him to miss out on mashing a few Argies.

Ah fuck it pal - we need to give one of the other lads a shot.