Rugby World Cup 2015

It’s been a tournament full of shocks and surprises. (Full of 1 shock and surprise).


I think you’ll find your statement is factually incorrect.

Amazing that 8 or the 9 Rugby playing “nations” made it to the QFs.
What were the odds?

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No, he’s right.
1 shock result - Japan over SAf (not that it mattered a jot in the end).
1 surprise result - Wales instead of England made it out of the group with Aussies.

That’s not what he said.

You are quite correct @Sidney, but I was neither shocked nor surprised that Wales beat England.

Hilarious how the Irish rugby media are refusing to have the balls to say the reason Sexton went off was because he was concussed yet again. All towing the party line of the “groin strain”. :rollseyes:

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Yea it’s hilarious alright mate.

How was he concussed? The tackle didn’t look that bad? Or was it an earlier incident that done him.

The head coach claimed in his after match interview that an abductor injury was the issue.

O’Brien cited for alleged foul play. Hearing at 1pm tomorrow in Clifford Chance.

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3 game ban minimum you’d imagine…Or three weeks, I’m not sure which way the rugby crowd dish out bans… However, you can’t just go around punching guys and he has to miss time.

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He’s a thug.

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Hardly, sure his fist wasn’t even closed. It was just a playful slap. If it had been on the Frenchmans bottom, no-one would pay the slightest heed.


You’re a rascal…

Now can you imagine the hysteria in Ireland if the French lad had punched o brien and then Ireland had lost. It would have been the sole reason for defeat and threatened Ireland’s neutrality as some govt lackey was sent with the ITand Indo in tow to threaten hollande with invasion, hence garnering a few votes from the mentally challenged.
We are a right shower of whingers when we don’t get our way. It makes me shudder.


Still though if they agreed to hand over 5mil after our perceived injustice, wouldnt it be worth it?:wink:

Michael Corcoran was seething on Radio One this evening when Mary Wilson had the audacity to mention a possible ban.

“The French are using this to distract from their own ineptitude. It appeared to be with a open hand so it should be at the lower scale of things, if at all.”

How could a closed fist be the lower end of the scale? Sounds like you’re talking through your hole there pal.

Meant opened hand. You’ve got me there. Fair play.

You’ve made me look bad on the INTERNET and I’ve been forced into an edit.