Rugby World Cup 2015

Will the London transport system cope?

For FFS :angry:


This is very true.
In saying that, I think you’re all mad as a cut snake and the All Blacks will walk this tournament.

Jesus thats a worse doing than Hanbury gave Callanan. Go easy on him @Tim_Riggins he has a match this weekend.

France were very impressive against a strong English selection last night. They absolutely murdered England up front.

Last chance to shine today ahead of squad selection on Monday. Big games for Nathan White, Iain Henderson, Dave Kearney and Keith Earls in particular.

Not really worried about the result tbh
A lot of big names out today. As long as they come through unscathed

What time is kick-off, mate?

2.30 sky sports

Henderson is a cert. Likewise Earls. You left out Fitzgerald, there’s no reason he should go, yet.

Wales will be hard bet

Henderson is a cert for the squad but a good showing today could go along way towards ousting Devin Toner for a starting berth. Luke should be okay for the squad.

Fitz has shown no form in a long time. His standing is based solely on reputation. His record for Ireland is extremely weak too, for a supposedly exciting attacking back his try scoring record is pathetic. Unless he’s very very good today he shouldn’t be brought. As of now I’d take Cave instead of him.

Apologies to him if I’m wrong but I doubt @Bandage is overly concerned about what channel it’s on mate

Paul sent packing as a loser…


Paulie mate. It’s Paulie


Todays result was a blessing in disguise. Took em down a peg or two. On the positive side, without playing well nearly nicked it in the end.

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A blessing in disguise… On the positive side…

So was it a blessing or not? Seems like all your post is on the positive side.

Put the pint down chief. Too much overanalysing can make you go blind

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Not enough can make you a moron


Not my job