Rugby World Cup 2015

I think the fact that he saw Dan in the flesh made it special for him.

I may have to revise this upwards.

Why do they call him Con “Rad” Smith?

His father was an expert at bleeding radiators


Liam Toland taking about players honey potting?


He obviously meant “honey dicking”. Carter’s hair is ridiculous.

He just mentioned it again there the wanker and i was coming on to ask what it means. “The French players are honey potting the ball carrier.” Fuck right off.

Dan Carter taking the piss now. The French are some cunts for turning tail and running away.

Was Conrad Smith the fella who learnt his craft from Rocko?


Anyone ever see this Toland clown play? AIL Division 2 with Old Crescent and an odd game for Munster was pretty much his level. How did he end up doing the expert analysis in the Paper of Record and tv punditry?

And it shows.

Its the army training.

I’d love to see Pape give McCaw a sly dig. Two right fucking cunts.

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No.8 for France is a one man team

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Hon the French

He’s a fucking beast. I remember reading something a few years ago that his skull is almost above regulation size for eggball. Must root it out…

That’s more like it you cunts. Why are they wearing red? Are they pretending to be England?

Not anymore hes not.

France, New Zealand and Australia should be the only teams allowed to play this game

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