Rugby World Cup 2015

Goodnight Fred.

What a cunt that Michalak is.


Terrible stuff, French look like the will roll over easily tonight. Think i will put on something else.

Freddy fucked himself and France with that kick.

Sad to see a mercurial talent drilled into a fucking Wiliknson lite. Fare thee well Freddy, you are big it was the game that got smaller.

Best thing that could have happened for france i think, michalak looked like he wanted no part in a game that first few minutes


Just turned on the rugby to see Freddy bent over and two lads rubbing the hole off him. This is rather queer carry on.

With tillous borde and freddy gone and parra on this is a way better team than ireland beat already

Freddy would have kicked that.

“I’ve got two balls now.” Nigel Owens.

Non. They should have left the kicking to scott sped-ah

Piccamoles is a fucking beast of a lad.

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Wow lovely try, super little shimmy to make room.

I’m taking a shot of whiskey for every mechanical engineering expression the TV3 commentator comes out with - already up to 3. “Forward propulsion”, “real forward thrust”. I’ll be gimped if he keeps this lark up.

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ITV guy keeps referring to the coffee that he witnessed Dan Carter having this morning.

Some fat roaster in the crowd with an Ireland jersey and his mouth open.

Bulletproof coffee or in what way was it special?

Pure sign of a sinus infection, neglected by the Fat Roaster no doubt.

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“Who’s that pretty girl in the mirror there?”

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