Rugby World Cup 2015

Highly attritional

Well as I stated above, they did get us back by breaking our bodies. But stll, picture this

Ireland overcome Argentina tomorrow. The country goes ape, and somehow, our brave lads are carried over Australia on a tsunami of emotion and passion.

Now, imagine the build up the final. The excitement, the meltdown from, 42,ie,, independent, etc, Gerry T, Toland, etc.

And then, New Zealand. In a final. Against an Irish side, physically broken no doubt, at that stage.

Thats when dodgy and the boys will cash in their chips.

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5/2 Argentina to win by 1-12 points

South Africa will do as they have always done for over a century, beat New Zealand when it matters.

Then we’re going to win the World Cup. HUZZAH!

arent the rugby championship and world cup relatively new inventions, what competitions did they beat them in a 100 years ago?

Great sweeping generalisation about Polynesians from Mattie there.

Prior to South Africa’s banishment from international rugby from 1981-92, of the 10 series played between South Africa and New Zealand, South Africa won 5, New Zealand won 3, 2 were drawn. Overall up to 1992, South Africa had won 20 of their 37 tests to New Zealand’s 15 with 2 drawn. You could throw in as well what was effectively a full test series in 1986 between the New Zealand Cavaliers and South Africa which South Africa won 3-1.

New Zealand were supposedly unbackable in the 1995 World Cup final after crushing England in the semi final and South Africa beat them in the final.

Switch over mate, Rog and Shaggy are on Second Captains live from Cardiff now, massive bantZ.

in friendlies- ffs

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Christ they talk so much shit in rugby

“behaviors,cultures,leadership, attention to detail”



There’s no such thing as a ‘friendly’ South Africa v New Zealand test match.

Changed that for you.

oh yes there is

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He has spoken

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It’s as bad as Up for the Match.

The lads in the audience are doing their damnedest not stay awake. Theres a few of the swaying dangerously.

He is prone to talking a bit of shite but are you talking about the comment on them being intimidated by facing the All Blacks? TBF that is a fair comment for most of them.

Sad, you are what is wrong with the modern sports fan. Demanding a shiny cup or shield to validate a sporting effort. I would love to go back to the good old days of no Trophy for winning the Home Nations Championship.

Hear, hear. You don’t need a shiny trophy to mark the winning of a coveted triple crown.

When South Africa went on tour, a stuffed springbok head was presented to the captain of the first side to beat them on tour.