Rugby World Cup 2015

I think you’ll find Ireland broke France mentally last weekend.

Granted they in turn broke Ireland physically.

55-13 and Conor McNamara says NZ threatening to run amok.

The New Zealand government should blow up a French ship to complete the revenge.

Another one :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Surprising to see France surrender like this.

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I’d break through some of these French tackles. Powder puff stuff

Liam thinks the game was in the balance at some point.

So Pope never played for New Zealand then, is that what you’re both saying?

No, Pope played for New Zealand but was never capped.

Holy fuck did tv3 have a mot analysing it? Do you think theyd have a sheila in oz nz or rsa on tv talking about a world cup game. A perfect illustration of how rugby is the peoples game in ireland. The people being gobshites who never played it, saw a game below provincial live and dont know the rules but feel super about the teams chances and really feel for paulie. Its this centurys italy 90.


Careful mate, a fella got hung out on the twitter earlier today for making a similar comment.

Scruffy Thornley and Liam Toland writing on rugby for the Paper of Record. Edmund Van Esbeck must be turning in his grave. Actually Edmund is still alive. Turning in whatever you do when you’re still on terra firma.

did SBW play?

They brought him on for the craic with 20 minutes to go.

just saw him do an offload for a try,what a guy

Imagine if he actually gave a shit?

Ireland put in the performance of a lifetime to beat that french team


We demoralised them, broke their spirit. Etc.