Rugby World Cup 2015


This is it, for the Southern Hemi clean sweep

Tough on the Scots. They had it won.

Landowners Road 1991 all over again.

Fair play to the Scotch, they actually showed up and made a game of it against the heavy odds. The Oirish could learn a lesson for those lads.

Not your day Tim.

Yes and after that quarter final scare in 1991, Australia coasted home to win the title.

The scots really turned up today. Sorry to see them go. Hopefully the Argies can go on and win it out now.

It’s what Paulie would have wanted.

That Australia, the best team in the tournament, and who had to be at full throttle against England and Wales the last two weeks, were so lucky to get through that against a mediocre Scotch team who had an ideal run in to this match, shows the impossible odds Ireland faced today.

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Tuam’s Stephen Moore still in with a chance of being the first Irishman to win a World Cup.

Any fair minded individual outside of the big 3 would want it that way Rocko.

Still can’t get over the rugby World Cup half time ad “if you can belt out your national anthem”, from Cian Healy -fucking idiots! :joy::joy::joy:

Scotland’s performance in that match was reminiscent of the independence referendum.

Nobody thought they’d vote Yes, but a poor performance by their opponents meant that the result unexpectedly hung on a knife edge as the moment of truth loomed large. Incredibly, it looked like might happen and they might win, but, true to form, they got afraid and blew it right at the end.

Ireland’s Call is the national anthem of the island of Ireland.

Shut up.

But Ireland’s call is the true national anthem of Ireland.

The 26 county anthem can never, by definition, be the anthem of this island. It’s the anthem of a divisive, mono-ethnic, mono-cultural state and mindset, and the call to arms of those bigots who wish to suppress the “other”. The same goes for the sectarian tricolour which accompanies it.

Ireland’s Call is an inclusive, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural anthem which both celebrates diversity and promotes unity between all the people of this island.

It’s tremendous to see a great GAA man like Jarlath Burns taking the lead on this issue and calling for the 26 county anthem and flag to be removed from the GAA.

That’s the true tolerance and inclusiveness of a true United Irishman.

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Rugby World Cup organisers really need to take action with Craig Joubert. As if things couldn’t get any worse than his shameful officiating of the 2011 World Cup Final he goes and incorrectly awards that match winning penalty to Australia. Hopefully that’s the last time he officiates at international level.


How is the tricolour sectarian?

It proclaims the cancerous, sectarian culture of orangeism as valid, and thus is sectarian against Roman Catholics.

No flag of Ireland should have orange on it.

Ironically, those who most fervently fly that flag tend to be those who the flag discriminates against.

Stockholm Syndrome at work there, if ever it was.

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