Rugby World Cup 2015


Razor sharp debating skills, pal.

That’s their culture, mate.

The tricolor was intended to symbolize a peaceful coexistence of the two traditions on the island. If it was good enough for the signatories of the Irish Republic 100 years ago it should be good enough as a symbol for the present day inhabitants. If they weren’t still so sectarian that is. Sad that nothing has changed fundamentally in a century.


Well he is actually very very good and has great insight.

It acknowledges the right of the adherents to the culture of orangeism to be sectarian, and in that respect means that it is as bad as they are.

Pearse was both a fascist and a fantasist.

‘It is good for the world that such things should be done. The old heart of the earth needed to be warmed with the red wine of the battlefields. Such august homage was never before offered to God as this, the homage of millions of lives given gladly for love of country.’

The ravings of a madman.


Pearse is a hero.

Pearse was a arrogant, deluded demagogue whose rhetoric carried strong overtones of what Adolf Hitler got up to a couple of decades later.

It’s one of the great tragedies of Irish history that a truly great man like James Connolly is lumped in with a fool like Pearse.

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Spoken like a West Brits zealot.

Spoken like a Holocaust denier.

No it doesn’t. It simply reflects the goals of the proclamation of the Irish Republic. Reading anything else into it is revisionism. Agree Pearse was a nationalist nutter but that was the emerging trend in Europe at the time, you could say he was ahead of his time in that regard. When it came to the crunch Sein Fein sided with nationalism over republicanism which led to two sectarian states. A stepping stone approach which involved all 32 counties would have been the republican approach, but that’s also revisionism I suppose. Collins should have negotiated a 32 county solution even if it meant less independance at the time, difficult to do though with the lunatic Dev to answer to.

That “Republic” never existed.

Any future United Ireland will require a new flag and a new anthem.

The Plough and the Stars should be that flag.

The current flags and anthems are merely used as weapons.

It’s time to do away with them.

The Proclamation of the Irish Republic was signed by 7 men and back up by 1,500 people who had no democratic mandate.

That Republic has never existed.

It was endorsed by a democratically elected majority in 1919. Agree the Irish Republic never existed and will never exist so long as there is a sectarian mindset on both sides.

The symbol of the IRSP/INLA. A lovely group of lads and lassies.

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They received less than 50% of the vote.

Hiding behind the British electoral system means little.

There has never been a popular 32 county wide affirmation of the Irish Republic as envisaged.

What has all of this got to do with the rugby world cup?

The world cup is over, “our” lads lost.

73 out of 105 seats, sounds like a decent majority to me.