Rugby World Cup 2015


They most definitely are.

Can you take your puerile negativity off to the Anti-Rugby Football thread. This thread should be confined to serious World Cup discussion.

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Who leaked the squad? My moneys on Rala.

I remember of lads (let’s call him KB @Gman) was playing corner forward on him in 2009 in Junior D hurling and he was right happy with himself thinking he was going in a some fat young fella.

Needless to say Furlong didn’t let him near the sliothar and I don’t think he’s picked up a hurl since.

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By the sounds of it, he didn’t do much picking up of a hurley before that either if he was hurling Junior D.

I believe Richardt’s nickname is “Johann”.

What a pity Nathan White didn’t declare for Wales. You would have had Nate Dogg being coached by Warren G. Would have been great scope for them to do a remake of “Regulate” (the scrum).

Classic Sid. But Nates is as Irish as Jareds arsetowel.

In fairness he would have just turned 17 at most.

you gotta be handy with the steel (studs) if you know what i mean.


as said previously, he hurled full back on a Tony Forrestal winning side, Wexfords last win. he was a decent hurler and footballer in fairness to him. His club wouldnt be known for having strong hurling teams, so he did well to make county sides at underage level.

I read it that Count was referring to the fella who went in on Furlong not picking up a hurl since, not Furlong. The rugby boys don’t look kindly on their academy boys moonlighting.

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I’m not @count_of_monte_crist you cunt.

Sorry Fran.

You just don’t get hurling Marge.

Leinster knew bits about it anyway, but not sure how much they knew. He used to bring his “energy drinks” to GAA club training, and when quizzed about what was in it one night, he just said “fuck knows! I just have to drink it”.

I’m not @count_of_monte_crist you cunt.

Plenty of GAA lads came away from Dunboyne saying the same mind you.

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FAO @Bandage

seems like we could have been famous today alright…


FFS sake. I despise those click bait sites.


They made Dave Kilcoyne train today even though it had leaked last night that he wasn’t in the squad, the horrible bastards :hushed: