Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

I said about four hours ago that it was unacceptable.

Odd that the @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy who highlighed this one idiot fan is calling for South Africa to be thrown out of the Rugby World Cup (a completely different tournament from the match in Wellington at which this incident occurred) yet shrugs his shoulders at the racist behaviour and glorifcation of murdering criminals by ‘fans’ of two of the soccer teams he purports to support, Shamrock Rovers and Glasgow Celtic. When he was supporting Chelsea Football Club he repeatedly refused to condemn racist behaviour of Chelsea thugs like the conviction of Chelsea fans for racist violence on the subway in Paris. Hard to escape the conclusion that @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy condones racism in soccer when its fans of clubs he supports perpetrating it.

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Did the south African fans pull down the flag mate?

Aside from the drunkard having a wobbly fly kick at Mbappe that’s a real roll of honour from the Celtic supporters. :clap: :ireland: :shamrock:


Bumped for @gilgamboa

You said it was distasteful, not unacceptable. You had previously clarified that it’s not illegal to fly it and it can be flown in any rugby ground, though as the link you later provided showed any right thinking South African would never dream of flying it. Had you called it out for the appalling act it is rather than pointing out its legality at the start I’m sure we would have all moved on quite quickly.


Taking a stance against the apartheid Israeli state clearly doesn’t sit well with Geoff.

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My query 're namibia unanswered guys

Jeff is pro apartheid and pro hitting women

Yes the other south African fans told him to cop himself on and they removed the flag. My research indicates it was actually a black south african looking to destabilise the SARU that brought the flag

Incorrect, you guys cheered

My query around you seeking to have Italy banned from international football remains unanswered

As does my query around your whitewashing of African rugby into SA and Namibia being its only reps. Really disappointing if im honest

You guys? Im a thick mick from Cark

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is pro cover up of rapists/paedophile, pro racism in soccer.

Keep it on topic mate, not sure what Chelsea have to do with the rugby world cup

His white blinkers told him Namibia were the only other African rugby team. Im afraid all the pointers are towards his being a terrible racist himself. A shamrock rovers supporting Italian with an eastern european wife…eeek?

Ok, I’m calling for Namibia to be kicked out too

Do you agree guys,?

Just clarifying for the poorly informed/poorly researched @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy as to why South Africa will not be banned from the Rugby World Cup or indeed the Rugby Championship/Nelson Mandela Plate Challenge.

Banned for their apartheid flag

Banned from what? And who?