Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Another correctly disallowed try. Fiji are beautiful off loaders.

Ah ffs Fiji

(bet 25) Fiji 10points
Bet 26) the farm
Bet 27 my hole
Bet 28 :coffin:



Excuse me?

youā€™ve never worked a day in your life and you accusing yer man of being on the dole


Just because somebody doesnā€™t work a 9-5 job doesnā€™t mean they are on the dole. Iā€™ve never drawn the dole in my life. Infact Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m entitled to full college fees paid but I decided I didnā€™t feel it was right to claim these.

Scotlandā€™s arrogance in attempting to peak for the toughest pool game against Japan looks to have cost them a worthy place in the quarters.

First time watching Eir Sport, yer wan of the Galvinā€™s didnā€™t make much of an effort getting dressed for the telly :thinking:

*misogynistic undertones accepted

if it rains Saturday they are goldenā€¦

You described Japan as a pub team. Hardly the best team in the group surely?

you have an inheritanceā€¦ most people donā€™t have that luxury. be humble, you cunt

Theyā€™re all pub teams ffs


I havenā€™t inherited anything in my life. If somebody was going to leave something To me Iā€™d tell them fuck off. I donā€™t believe in the concept.

Dole talk. Youā€™ve been on it for years.

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So Scotland arenā€™t peaking for the best team in the group thanks.

it would be wrong alright, considering you arenā€™t going to college.


I drew the dole once upon a time

I had to sign on to get sick pay when I was out of work for an extended period with a busted knee. It was a god send to be fair. my employers paid half my wages and my stamps paid for the rest.

I would feel wrong drawing it.