Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Sidneyā€™s so rattled heā€™d nearly deny climate change here


You obviously know more than the organisers of the Japanese Grand Prix who have scheduled their event for October for the last 33 years


the event thatā€™s in danger of being postponed this weekend as well is it?

In the last few weeks weā€™ve had lads here claim to be Finnish speakers and experts on Ukrainian politics

But the number of experts on Japanese weather here is fascinating

This really is some forum

The world cup is even behind the crucial November test match series where the hemispheres collide in some countries.

all things aside, I hope the irresponsible actions of the governing bodies of Formula 1 and the IRB does not put peopleā€™s lives at stake.

Inclement weather conditions I recall in the 1993 edition at Suzuka; Eddie Irvine famously incurred the wrath of Ayrton Senna by unlapping himself to claim 6th in hazardous rain in his debut race. I donā€™t think it was a typhoon however

October is not the middle of Japanese typhoon season.

Have you been onto the Formula 1 governing body, mate?

You obviously think you could organise their calendar a hell of a lot better than they have for the last 33 years

You could get Ewan in to help you

Then wet races will be a thing of the past

That was typhoon Pantane that affected that race.

Typhoon Ma-On

Again, Iā€™m not making any judgement or comment here, only pointing out that the Grand Prix has been affected by typhoons in the past.

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you seem like youā€™re scared shitless of Sidney

The rubby lads afraid of a few drops of rainā€¦

Ah yeah, true. We donā€™t take it seriously at all which is why we are the only one of the original 5 nations and Southern Hemisphere teams to have never made a world cup semi final. The pulling, pushing and heaving of the 6 nations is more important :laughing:
Any wonder the other serious rugby nations are laughing up their sleeve at us :laughing:

Not really, I just dont have hours to kill so trying to finish this quickly. If he wants the win Iā€™ll just agree and say no Japanese grand prix ever has had a typhoon affect the race.

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thatā€™s very gracious of you, but heā€™s probably already gone off and started his dossierā€¦ youā€™re fucked either way

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Iā€™m going to step in here and say that your recent contributions have been more boring and repetitive than usual. You got your answers on F1. You just didnā€™t like them. Take anything else on the history of F1 in Japan to a separate thread.


weve had WC matches in torrential downpours before

I took a spoon to the knife fight and will go down fighting.*

I wont, Iā€™ll just go and forget about it.