Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Whats really odd is there are two do or die international qualifier games on the coming days and there is barely 100 posts about it.

The supposed soccer fans on this thread day in day out discussing typhoons, world rugby governance, irelands chances etc

Power of the bandwagon I guess. Same lads will be on done deal looking for a pony when the Aga Khan is on

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Thereā€™s growing confidence that we could nick an auld draw agin the Georgians.

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Tough luck on the elimination of Italy. For what itā€™s worth, I just didnā€™t see Italy beating New Zealand by the requisite 68 points if the match had gone ahead. Hopefully that can help to temper your disappointment somewhat.

the Danā€™s are surprised people are discussing a weather interruption to a major* international sporting competition** over a match that isnā€™t going ahead for a couple of days

*not major
**not a sport

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It has devestated all the British colonial expats with an interest in rugby that reside in Italy.

Really calls into question the sporting integrity of rugby football. The scummy soccer crowd are having a field day on this.


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They have a very strong scrum I wouldnt be so sure

Iā€™ve heard of uncontested scrums in the rubby, but uncontested matches is a new one for me.


i would be inclined to agree
if day 3 at Lords is rained off will the notion be entertained that we should head to Headingly instead or play an extra day on the Tuesday??

Just read the exact same comment on Twitter.

I think I might know who you are in real life.


The Dans. Two fellas whoā€™ve already undergone rebranding May need to do so again shortly


You have your sums wrong Dan, Italy merely needed a bonus point win against NZ while denying their opponents a bonus point. As someone who recognises the competitiveness of world rugby, Iā€™m sure you could easily foresee such a result here. The whole thing is a shambles and a dreadful end to the career of great servants like Parisse.

Can you clarify whether @Bandage has just posted the same joke on two different mediums of communication or if he has stolen the joke please. Iā€™ll be revoking my like if itā€™s the latter

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@Bandage is am original thinker. Iā€™d imagine his witty riposte above also gained good traction on Twitter

The former.

How could you scroll beyond that unreal quip on twitter without liking it?

Youā€™re a creep.

A lot of people that pay me money for shoddy service like rubby pal.

Iā€™m not that principled.

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Welcome to last week

Have we had any clarification on this? Iā€™d be most disappointed if @Bandage was the type to steal a joke from Twitter in order to get a few handy likes here.

FAO of @Julio_Geordio, @Batigol - donā€™t ever question my integrity, you little bollixes.

I wouldnā€™t be happy with how emotional youā€™re getting about this tbh. Youā€™ll earn any likes you get from me in future.