Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Iā€™m absolutely seething. Itā€™s like asking Donal Skehan to confirm if the recipes in his cook book were his own ideas.




What rubby is on today @anon61878697?

Pools panel result: No score draw.


The lack of class and solidarity being shown by Eddie Jones and Steve Hansen to their Italian and Scottish counterparts- while not surprising does demean the ethos of the game.

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Do you not have a wallchart?

You couldā€™ve answered his question in the time it took you to type that.


Wall charts help people who help themselves.

FFS :smile:

Gerry should have come up with a portmanteau word for ā€œdefer or relocateā€ - that prose is clunky

@GeoffreyBoycott, in all seriousness, World Rugby were on the verge of a massive success with this World Cup. They had a major breakthrough in Japan on their hands, the second most lucrative sports market in the world after the US.

Now, in the space of a few days, if Japan v Scotland doesnā€™t go ahead they will have permanently discredited their cash-cow. The RWC will never be taken seriously again.

Between Parisse gone and the treatment of his team in his final match Iā€™d say the game is now dead in Italy. Well done World Rugby.

I donā€™t know much about rugby but I know all about fuck-acting and this whole thing is down to fuck-acting - 5 teams in a group, stretching the schedules out to shite, no simultaneous matches to climax the groups, no Plan B.

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You mad bro?

howā€™s that?

Despite the hype thatā€™s not true at all. Japan have 1 franchise in the Super Rugby competition, in a spectacular bit of timing they are being kicked out of the competition next year. There are a few reasons, one of them being the locals never took to them as they were mainly made up of imports. Yes they will support their national side at a home world cup even if its captained by a South African who only arrived in Japan 3 years ago and canā€™t speak Japanese, but the Japanese sportsfan is not the type of simpleton who would support that longterm.
Despite Japan being a huge market, NZ, Australia and South Africa decided having a Japanese team in the competition was more hassle than it was worth. Considering how stuck for cash each of them rugby unions are, it gives you a good indication of the interest there is in the game over there.

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Seems to be a trend in rubby - that thereā€™s no genuine interest in growing the game.

They want to protect all the old cash cow institutions that serve the status quo.

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Very similar to cricket in that respect.

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Very much ties in with the ethos of private schooling and the old boys club ā€”

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All fair points but I was thinking about the Japanese TV ratings. Japan v Russia was their most watched sports event of the year, ahead of the baseball or the Sumo. From a commercial point of view, thatā€™s worth serious coin to World Rugby.

Obviously rugby is all hype, bullshit and bandwagonning.