Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

My preference would be to have the #teamofus fans lead the Irish team in an Irish rendition of the Hokey Pokey as the New Zealand Hokey Pokey is taking place. That’d rattle them good and proper.

Go down to their own end and take turn kicking points, in good Junior B fashion. (Three no-hopers, probably front-rowers, will be on duty behind the goals to kick the balls back out).

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Cop on.


Not exactly engaging their core, are they?

they all look like the odd old uncle dancing at a wedding

WTF is that? - Is that for real or a comedy sketch???

It’s time they done away with this shit anyway …grown men sticking their tongues out at their opponents — weirdos

that’s real bro

It’s very Monty Python

The IRFU twats hadn’t the balls to tell the Loyalist bastards to fuck off instead of letting them do away with Amrain Na bFionn. So they’re unlikely to allow anything to upset the precious fucking haka!

I was thinking Monty Python looking at it

Bizarre post.

your man doing the twinkly fingers :laughing:


Chabal when playing for Sale against Munster in Thomond Park and they purposely kicked to him and they then smashed him. Cal was ‘hammer the hammer’

The Kiwis are horrible cheating apartheid cunts. They only won their world cup final against France because of a cowardly referee. They are doped up to the gills. Half their back line fucking dropped dead off the PEDs, nothing done against them, they’re a stain on the sport. Those wankers think their untouchable.

They fucked over the Maori, racist scum, and then the abused Maori turned abuser and started fucking over all the other pacific islanders. Jono Lomu wasn’t even a proper Kiwi, they nabbed him as a child off one of their neighbours and left their neighbour’s economy in tatters. They’re an ugly pacific superclub, all about the money. Then they pumped Lomu full of drugs and killed him.

They treat the Maori like dirt and just use them for rugby. Yerwan Ardern is actually very economically right wing, not a lot of people know that.

The first All Blacks haka was done as a joke on a tour of the Northern Hemisphere by a NZ team composed solely of white men who laughed throughout it. TRUE STORY. Very disrespectful. They have kept it going because it gives them an unfair advantage.

NZ women are nice but NZ men are complete egotistical wankers and we all know it.



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