Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

That must be the first thing you’ve ever got right on this forum

We are indeed duplicate accounts operated by the same person

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Vodafone Ireland were number 1 in the world before the world cup

I think if Ireland play really well they could win, but I could also see them lose narrowly if they play well, or lose by a lot if they don’t play well

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I’ve got all bases covered for tomorrow

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On the official World Rankings posted on the 16th of September (The last time the rankings were released before the RWC started), team Vodafone Ireland were indeed the number 1 ranked team.

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I wouldnt put a fellow cork man on ignore. Choco is wan of our own

Cheers. It would be interesting to see the world rugby regulation he refers to. He hasn’t shared it has he in any of the articles he has written? Or any of his tweets?

I think that handicap is way too high. One score game either way IMO. NZ win 1-12 is a decent bet at 13/8

Iv backed Ireland in first half race to 15 at 15/2 as well as a real value bet

Can you throw up the world rugby regulation please? The only thing I can find is a ban on encroaching too close to it

No, dont think he has. I found it odd myself really

Nope, I’m fed up spoon-feeding the bandwagoners here and getting no thanks for it.


things are not all bad …no baldy ref tomorrow!

It takes a while to cop but @PhattPike might be the biggest bollocks on here

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Et tu, Batty? I was wondering why we never go for a few auld pints anymore. :cry:

Ireland, Ireland,
Together standing tall,
Shoulder to Shoulder,
We’ll answer Ireland’s call

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I think NZ 's wingers lack experience and I think the it was a mistake to leave out Crotty.

Hearts of steal and heads unbowing

Vowing never to be broken

Yes, I’ve dealt with this. You’re falling into the traps the scummy soccer crowd are setting talking about everything and anything other than what’s likely to happen out on the paddock tomorrow.

You were on the soccer threads all week using the ranking system to have a pop.