Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Is that not exactly how it works :grinning:

What? It was a transparent process where all criteria were categorised and ranked with a report published you numpty.

It is easily accessible public knowledge

You seem to find it weird that you might have to produce some sort of plan before you are allowed to host a tournament :laughing:

i don’t. At all.

I find it weird that people think the IRFU left out complete sections. I find it weird that people in TFK would claim to have an insight into it and how it was graded.

did we get a b minus?

They lost out on their World Cup bid because there’s no hotels in Thurles, a dog track is used in Galway and the lack of a motorway between Limerick and Cork.

they must have left out the hotels and motorways sections…

The RWC bid failed because most of the stadiums are actually barns located in provincial towns.


I believe a lack of IT infrastructure, a lack of fully seated venues, including a number of which would either need massive upgrade work or were not built, not enough of a commercial plan, a lack of hotel beds in some of the host towns and public transport were the main reasons sited in the report as black marks against the bid.


Would have been some craic having New Zealand and England in a quarter final up in Castlebar.

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Second biggest “all-seater” stadium in the country sure.

England would have insisted on a home quarter final - Cork.


The Union Jack waving locals would have packed out Flower Lodge after the game had to be switched at the 11th hour due to an unplayable surface at PUC.

the butcher and that combrero wearing weirdo would be in their element, sure cyril wouldnt even need to change colours

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We’re still more than two weeks out from the 2019 World Cup and the rugby haters are working themselves up into Ewan levels of seethe over the bidding process for the 2023 World Cup. It’s fascinating to watch.

so they fell down on infrastructure and venues…
they didn’t leave out entire sections.

Pretty sure they left sections blank

Terrific camaraderie.