Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

As much as I get a laugh from Ewan trolling the nation, its going too far bringing Standers missus into it

No - most lads here wont believe this and iā€™ll probably shock a few posters, but iā€™m actually not.

Iā€™m a die hard club man and iā€™ll never stop hating corporate rubby.


Iā€™m beginning to wonder if there is an element of it being the other way round. The smell of shite has barely left the air after Saturday and already people are shifting focus to 2023. Why? Itā€™s four 6Ns away. You have absolutely no idea what players are going to be fit and in form at that stage. The whole World Cup thing has become such a monkey on the Irish back that it becomes such an overriding focus for the next four years that by the time the whole entourage get there the goalposts have shifted and everyone is completely jaded by it.

An email has just been sent around the office organising ā€œdrinks before the rugby gets seriousā€ for Thursday night for the Rubby Event Junkies to attend.

Looks as though the World Cup proper only starts at the semi final stages going off the email.

Not using the 6n to build a team/style is/was a farce ā€¦ thereā€™s no relegation ā€“ youā€™ll be back in the thing the following year - go out and build a style and a team and fuck the results for one year.

Ireland were still in 2017 at this world cup and even the dogs on the street (who managed to avoid capture and human consumption) knew how Ireland were going to play at this tournament ā€”

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Itā€™s like trying to pick a junior b football team the night before a game. Youā€™ve no idea how many of the fuckers will even turn up.


Look at NZ. Probably had their worst Rugby Championship in years this year, bringing a lot of newer players in. Doesnā€™t seem to be doing them any harm now.

But is everyone in Irish rubby pulling in the same direction? It seems other countries rank the world cup as the pinnacle but Carlowman @ChairmanDan is a passionate follower and he insists that the Six Nations ranks above all and the world cup is folly and distraction which is even less important than the british lions representative team. Very difficult to plan a cycle if key people are identifying different competitions as the main target.

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I think they were holding back and not showing their hand. Maybe they thought theyā€™d beat NZ this way too and would unleash the unknown secret gameplan for the final, but alas, we will never get to see it.


Class and social climbing mostly.


Geoff is an imperialist and as such, the old colonial values of a Lions tour does most to satisfy he lust filled needs of superiority.

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Thereā€™s also a degree of separation between the national union and clubs in England and France, for example. But it could be argued that because the IRFU controls the clubs then they need a strong national team to continue funding these provincial sides. So maybe thereā€™s an incentive there to take the Six Nations seriously every year and have a more short than medium term outlook? Itā€™s great that weā€™re having this debate and debrief on the national game though.

I believe funding / income play a huge part ā€” one of the rubby set explained it before but I cant recall the full message - but youā€™re bang on there. Ireland need the 6ns more than most so sadly, short term success is more important.

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Ireland should pull their players from the mickey mouse lions tour. Flogging our players.

Yeah, itā€™s why I felt the comparison somebody made between Joe Schmidt and Brian Kerr was very apt. Kerr had two failed attempts to qualify for tournaments while Schmidt had two failed world cups, but both of them targeted and had very good results in non competitive games.

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Across all comps. Surprised me too. I will throw up the mins for the other countries if I can find them

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Ewan has deleted the tweet he sent to Standers wife anyway.

He must have charged the phone 15 times since Saturday


Women have a secret in-built radar for money, class and privilege. They can smell it like a shark smells blood. Theyā€™re not all greedy but they all detect it.

The character of Irish rugby support had been massively influenced by the gormless women who follow it.

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It is statistically proven on the bell curve that when women look to find a partner/husband they predominantly look for someone who is older and of greater means than themselves.


A bit of perspective, Joe Schmidtā€™s Ireland have exited the Rugby World Cup in the quarter finals after losing to the back to back reigning World Champions and Number 1 ranked side.

Eire under Brian Kerr didnā€™t even qualify for a 32 team World Cup or a 16 team European Championship.