Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

I said what I said — she’s a head wrecker — she has personally taken on Brexit as her own personal battle, on behalf of Ireland, against the UK — I’d go as far to say i’d love to give her a smack in the gob.

She had a tweet last week of a clip of herself with her earphones in singing and gurning away to a song that brings her to her happy place or something.

Closer by NIN?

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That’s not what I look for in a doctor.

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Franno upset a few people yesterday.

What did he say?

He was massively confident about Ireland on Dunphy’s podcast last week. Will be interesting to see what he comes up with this week.

Look mate, schmidt had a load of secret moves up his sleeve. Noone could have forseen NZ not giving us the ball to try them out.


This is why the newspaper industry is dying apparently

He made an ill adjudged quip about erectile dysfunction and the Irish rugby team.

I thought it was an overly puerile, salacious remark for the normally upstanding, puritan Sunday Independent*.

*coffee table, parents, etc.

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I’m not clicking into that, but I can already tell its written by that utter utter cunt of a man Murray Kinsella.


Art must be inundated with misogyny crew applications today.

Totally horseshit

The population whether in their 20’s or not will follow winners.

Look at Irish soccer before Big Jack arrived for example.
Bus top parades for losing teams, WC songs and the like.
Soccer inc are well able stir the shite when they can you flute.

Why? There’s plenty of men i’d like to give a smack in the gob to also — you’re the only one creating misogyny around here by believing women are beyond reproach

I havent said anything to the contrary.

Andy Farrell is 44 and his son Owen is 28?

Andy is wan of our own.