Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Still dodging the question.

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You know the game is gone when there are lads celebrating the fact that itā€™s ā€˜onlyā€™ 11% of new caps that are mercenaries! That 50% figure is surely nonsense but as well as the lads bought in with no Irish ancestry you also have a big number of grab-a-granny lads like Bealham, Addison, Haley, Herring etc. Luckily the rubby lot have never cast any aspersions on the FAI for capping such players, so it would be entirely inappropriate to criticise the IRFU for handing out flyers at UK rugby grounds asking local lads if they have such a granny and would like to wear the green jersey.


How many lineouts did we win after toner went off. My memory is that our set piece fell asunder after that.

Wow the cavalry has arrived. A pile on. The anti rubby crew are out in force.

Iā€™m not a fan of the project player system either but that has been lost in all of this in the rush to sensationalism on the topic. 50% project players a daily sport type headline has grabbed all the attention here like a shiny gold coin

If Devin Toner walked in the door on me here in the bedroom Iā€™d be fairly sure Iā€™d recognize him. Heā€™s 6 foot 10 and as bald as an egg. Iā€™m fairly sure my first instinct would be to say Howya Dev what brings you here.


Your a closet rubby man though.

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So you didnā€™t answer the question, you answered a different question. And now youā€™re simply repeating the answer to the different question that no one asked. Thatā€™s very unhelpful.


Ah excellent. Can you throw up a link to the list of players there? Is it there in sequence? Itā€™d be great to check it back.

Here you go. It was surprisingly easy to find. So much so that I suspect you made absolutely no effort to find the detail

Yes it is in sequence. Numbered in fact

The answer is clear. If it was a policy to recruit project players ad nauseum there would have been no limit on number of overseas players the provinces could have signed

Youā€™re still answering a question no one asked, I donā€™t know why you keep doing this.

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I donā€™t know why heā€™s continuing to compare project players to other foreign players when you asked a specific question about project players versus Irish qualified players. Sorry for your trouble in getting a straight answer, mate.

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The policy not to select Irish players based abroad is a very sensible policy. New Zealand and England operate a similar policy.

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This was the question

Part A i have answered several times. Yes it is policy that where provicnes are signing an overseas player in most cases it should be one that may at some point be eligible to play for ireland

Part B- nothing to do with Part A. It is a clear strategy to encourage international players to remain in Ireland

You are being very very obtuse here. Drifting the conversation further and further away from your scandalous claims that Schmidt had capped the same amount of project players as irish players

The soccer crew getting very hot and bothered because Coach Schmidt is taking I think its only 28 players out of a squad of 31, who were born in Ireland. No bother with Eire soccer taking 16 of a squad of 22 to the 1990 World Cup who were born outside of Eire, or indeed the island of Ireland.

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Glas is not a soccer man - heā€™s a big rubby man.

I remember posting about this at the time having read an article commenting on the number of project players in the new caps and putting it at approaching 50% of all new caps Schmidt had given out.

Anyways I just had a scan of it there. I wouldnā€™t be familiar with all of the shite project players but I see about 8 in the first 20 caps Schmidt gave out and about 12 out of 55 or so in total. Is that right? I may have missed some and itā€™s a long way off 50%. Still seems very high to me.

High enough to suggest thatā€™s itā€™s policy to hand out cheap caps to project players or to favour project players where thereā€™s a 50/50 decision on selection against an Irish player.

Whatā€™s the percent of the current WC squad? Is it 10% even? That would be very high surely.

People born outside of Ireland canā€™t be Irish in your view? Wow. Thatā€™s racist.


Incredible windmilling here from the usual suspects. Thereā€™s no justification to denying an Irish person the opportunity to develop within a HPU by bringing in some run of the mill project player who may or may not become Irish qualified.