Rugby World Cup 2019 - Ireland shit the pot all over again

Ireland beat South Africa by 35 points the last time we played them. We beat new zealand by seven the last time we played them.

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Agreed. A huge blot on his coaching record

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Saracens are dominating European rugby, mate.

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Losing 5 key players to injury didn’t help but I’d be very confident he’ll right that wrong this time.

You’re rarely able to resolve anything for me in fairness. Luckily there are other posters who can give straight answers to relatively uncomplicated questions.

What exactly is it do you think joe schidmt has failed at as his tenure of Irish manager?

Ireland, of course, did not beat NZ by 10 points the last time they played them.

When Ireland beat South Africa or New Zealand in the 1/4 finals this place will melt down.


Like they beat NZ the last time they played?

Absolutely. 2 6 nations, grand slam, tour win in Aus, first win over NZ then followed up with another, beat SAF in SAF and probably could have won the series. This after leading Leinster too huge success.

I appreciate you may be a Johnny come lately rugby supporter but trust me that is achieving by any measure of Irish rugby.

QF is the only obvious stain. Hopefully resolved this year but SAF/NZ at that stage is a significant hurdle.


They beat New Zealand in two friendlies when the All Blacks were exhausted at the end of long seasons. Didn’t Ireland lose 60-0 to NZ a few years back and the tiredness excuse was offered up?

Beating Australia? Nobody in Australia plays rugby football. Not much achievement in beating them.

South Africa have been a mess for years but have been rebuilding in the last few years.

Schmidt has had every advantage going in the last few years. His players are managed all through the season, they often don’t even play in league games against each in what are apparently huge derby matches.

The only time it’s a level playing field every four years is the build up to world cups. Schmidt failed four years ago, failed miserably.

He has been handed an incredibly lucky draw this year again. A Scottish pub team who are picking off two teams and fucking Japan to reach a quarter final.

They’ll be nicely rested then for the quarter final which they’ll fancy themselves to win. Even more so if Irish rugby scene guest speaker Mr Owens is reffing it.

Ireland have all these world class players apparently so anything else other than winning it is complete and abject failure.

And they know it.



Knockout blow landed, 10 count & call the medics.

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If schidmt had managed Munster glas would be waxing lyrical I’d wager.


The opposite, the media cheerleading of Irish rugby is total hysteria. As soon as I introduce anything to balance the overhyped media narrative I have all the rubby lads jumping down my throat.

If Ireland crash out in a quarter final again as always then Schmidt’s time will have been a failure in my humble opinion. Failing to make it past the last eight in a sport where there are only eight real competitors is a failure. This is his second go at it now. He made a fuck of it the last time so he should be in a good place to learn from those lessons sufficiently to go one step further.

If he can’t get past the last eight we can lose this stupid “greatest coach in the world” moniker.


Limerick lads love an excuse…

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Why are NZ so keen to get this loser back home to Coach their country?

How did he make a fuck of it last time? You haven’t added any balance from I can see. You just said he’s overrated. He has achieved far more any other Irish rugby coach in our history.

He snapped POC’s hamstring and trained SOB to get suspended etc etc…

Why? Ireland have “the greatest coach in the world”, one team we’ve beaten plenty of times and the other we’ve beaten the last two times we played them. Winning a 1/4 should be the minimum expectation.

The greatest coach stuff if hyperbole - however it’s clear he’s a world-class coach. Every team he has been involved with have achieved more than they did previously - that’s seriously adding value as a coach.

Your simple measure of QF success as the sole litmus test is fucking stupid, even by your standards, so I presume you’re just a little bored on a Sat morning and are on a fishing expedition .