Rugby World Cup 2023/ Crochet & Knitting chit chat

Lot of moving parts. Can be as simple as a thrower getting the yips (prime case was Rory Best for a lot of his first 50 caps) to timing of jumper off to call variations, ref allowing the gap between jumpers to close etc

You’re also operating against teams that are studying hours of tape and simply have bigger cunts to throw up.

Lineout more risky set piece than your own scrum ordinarily


In fairness you’ve a brand new state of the art sxhool with modern classrooms and shared spaces etc… you shouldn’t moan.

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The daughter is going to a non- fee paying school and they’re just in final stages of completing a full dome for sports. Whole shebang, air-locked thing.

Donations and wherever else funding came from paid for it. Did have to laugh at how cheesy they were in putting a circular out as to auction the naming rights for it…ffs, name it after a founding principal or loving lifelong caretaker or some shit.

Thats how badly they needed the cash presumably… some well to do parent will throw 20grand at that or more for a savage dopamine ego boost cc @Bandage

Also mad that this is the sort of thing that principals now get involved in. A far cry from just running a school 30years ago.

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20k gets to call it the Jimmy Saville Dome of Fun


Concussion benefits all children

A school of 500 would be fielding probably 3 teams a year from 1st to 3rd year with 3/4 at senior cycle. Let’s call it 12 in total.

Minimum that the teams would have would be 2 training sessions a week plus 1/2 matches (with a session alternating). The Cup teams would be a lot more but let’s call it 10 hours a week per team.

That quickly adds up in terms of teacher supervision fees.

They’re paying supervision fees.

€280k is low because the big schools now are paying a lot more than that and yes you could argue a lot of that is not justified.

The scrum pelantys against Porter were all correct it would seem.

As I’ve already said here given how the Irish fans disrespected the Haka (which I agree with) he was perfectly entitled to act in that manner. Good on him.

Ill go set up the go fund me…

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Even if they weren’t correct, you have to play the ref. He was warned first and then 3 penalties. Have to fucking adjust the dimwit

And that he didn’t and was still out there is on the management. Should have been hooked earlier

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I’d say he has the look of a fella that the red mist descends on and he can’t control himself.

Stubborn as a mule I would imagine. So again, mgmt needed to step in here knowing that and looking on. 9pts lost to it

Maybe he would have been taken off if Healy was on the bench.

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He was likely always coming off even if he hadn’t given away the penalties. These days, entire front rows rarely play a full match.

There was only about 10 or so scrums whole.match I think so wasn’t the xiritcal area provided we could just hold our own which we couldn’t with him on

He was.coming off alright. Just came off later than he should have been imo.

Any idea what the insurance costs are?

Probably a fair chunk, you’re trying very hard with the concussion angle.

Monday’s Second Captains review of the Ireland v NZ game was excellent. The interview they had with Jack Conan was superb. It’s free to air and I’d recommend to listen to it. Great analysis.

He was absolutely outstanding other than the scrum.
I can’t understand it these days. Back in the day, you lost a scrum, and that was that, the only penalty really was deliberately wheeling, and that was rarely called.
Nowadays, a side loses a scrum.and the default position is a penalty. If the ball is coming out at all, they should just leave it off unless it’s blatant.
The worst scrim refereeing I can remember was actually against the tans in the 2003 WC final, where they were blaggarded repeatedly. My mate Gary was talking to the prop about it (I think he said Leonard, but I can’t quite remember). Leonard said that he had the Aussie on toast, but he just stopped pushing in the scrum so the ref couldn’t give a penalty.
It’s a feature I think of southern hemisphere refs. They bias towards the SH by and large, though in fairness the Aussie lad has been very good at this WC and peyper has also.