Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Yaxley-Lennon supports Brand. :joy: Who’s he missing now? Weinstein? Putin? Gemma O’Doherty?

“Big Pharma” :rofl:
“The System” :sweat_smile:
“The Matrix” :joy:

UK libel laws are some of the strictest in the world. Brand has open access to the deepest pockets in the world. If he wants to sue, let him sue. He shows no inclination to do so.

Shock horror! Tommy Robinson acts the cunt.

Why are you highlighting all of these headbangers? You are just playing into their hands. You seem to be obsessed with them.


Not defending Brand, but more defending the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the trial of John Leslie comes to mind. It’s easy to buy into the hysteria for Brand’s recent internet content or those proclaiming his innocence and/or a grand conspiracy. I can get caught up with the same excitement when politicians who I despise get taken to court. Only Russell and the alleged victims are truly aware of the truth of the situation and I have a feeling there’s a lot more movement left in this story.


He’s probably only known about the allegations for a few weeks.

Unfortunately the headbangers are contemporary mainstream right-wing politics. The people I’ve mentioned are the main opinion formers in right wing politics worldwide now.

Their insanity won’t go away by ignoring them.

The defence of rape, sexual abuse and paedophilia is hardwired into the global right wing. It’s an ideology that thrives on sexual inadequacy. They shout “paedo”, “rapist” at everybody who disagrees with them, then they openly defend a serial rapist in the face of overwhelming evidence. The sexual theme which runs through the brain rot exhibited by lots of male posters here and by the global sexually inadequate male cult in thrall to Trump, Putin, Musk, Brand etc., is the fear of not being able to rape with impunity.

You don’t need weeks to remember the truth. Brand knows the truth which is why he didn’t respond. Brand knows the truth, which is why he’s cynically aimed his appeal at terminally gullible right wing cretins. A cult of terminally gullible right wing cretins is warm insulation from the truth.

Why aren’t the police investigating this?

The truth is out there

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Well, between 20mph and Thatcher closing the coalmines, they could rebrand themselves as the new Holland and turn to state sponsored prostitution and reefer madness.

This is true exactly. There’s been some fairly serious questions asked though, like apparently either BBC or Channel 4 responded to complaints by suggesting all women were removed from working with him.
If the charge was being a dick, he’d be guilty that’s for sure.


GB News sex predator Dan Wootton has come out to bat for Russial Brand. We must have almost reached Deplorable Full House at this stage.


Please somebody make a meme of Ashton and Mila making a ‘vouch’ video for him.

Rape is such a horrible crime in this regard. It’s an awful crime and anyone who commits it can spend the rest of their life in prison, castrated, as far as I’m concerned. But it’s so hard to prove or disprove. It’s wide open for either false allegations (not at all saying that’s the case here) or for lads to get away with it, depending on who tells the more believable story.

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I suppose a lot of crimes that might be lacking in evidence, rely on testimony. That’s what we have juries for, and as democracies with legal systems in the sounder category, citizens should largely have trust that this method of justice will more often than not, largely be right.


Yeah we do but, most would agree that a majority of rapists get away with it.