Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

He could be completely guilty and a complete deviant but thats not the point of people defending him, if all true give him a trial, present the evidence and jail him.

There are many others like him out there so why is this coming to light now and not 5 or 6 years ago? Why are the other deviants not being investigated much more powerful people?

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Why so many questions mate

Just asking pal

“Many are now saying”

Anti-science grifter Aseem Malhotra now proudly adds pro-rape to his CV.

What kind of Beans? Is it Batchelors? With a name like that they aren’t even hiding the bastards

Right wing gobshites are so fucking pathetic.

Tbf, I didn’t see one high profile defence of Huw Edwards. I may have missed that.

Strong smell of an early reducer from Alexander Soros here…

We don’t know anything definitive yet. The ability for people to act like they know he is a “rapist” (which is what he is being accused of) is exactly the type of behavior that characterizes the worst part of the “me too” movement.
Once there are more facts or we hear what happens in court it will be a lot easier to say something. At this point we have an article written where a reporter contacted all of these women. No one had filed a police report, one says she went to a rape clinic afterwards but we currently don’t know that for sure.

Russell Brand had many years of being wildly flirty even on morning tv interviews. I am sure he has engaged in tons of sexual relationships and likely some of them were sloppy and probably mishandled. Does that mean he is a rapist? Who knows? We sure as hell don’t yet.

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Yaxley-Lennon supports Brand. :joy: Who’s he missing now? Weinstein? Putin? Gemma O’Doherty?

“Big Pharma” :rofl:
“The System” :sweat_smile:
“The Matrix” :joy:

UK libel laws are some of the strictest in the world. Brand has open access to the deepest pockets in the world. If he wants to sue, let him sue. He shows no inclination to do so.

Shock horror! Tommy Robinson acts the cunt.

Why are you highlighting all of these headbangers? You are just playing into their hands. You seem to be obsessed with them.


Not defending Brand, but more defending the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the trial of John Leslie comes to mind. It’s easy to buy into the hysteria for Brand’s recent internet content or those proclaiming his innocence and/or a grand conspiracy. I can get caught up with the same excitement when politicians who I despise get taken to court. Only Russell and the alleged victims are truly aware of the truth of the situation and I have a feeling there’s a lot more movement left in this story.


He’s probably only known about the allegations for a few weeks.

Unfortunately the headbangers are contemporary mainstream right-wing politics. The people I’ve mentioned are the main opinion formers in right wing politics worldwide now.

Their insanity won’t go away by ignoring them.

The defence of rape, sexual abuse and paedophilia is hardwired into the global right wing. It’s an ideology that thrives on sexual inadequacy. They shout “paedo”, “rapist” at everybody who disagrees with them, then they openly defend a serial rapist in the face of overwhelming evidence. The sexual theme which runs through the brain rot exhibited by lots of male posters here and by the global sexually inadequate male cult in thrall to Trump, Putin, Musk, Brand etc., is the fear of not being able to rape with impunity.

You don’t need weeks to remember the truth. Brand knows the truth which is why he didn’t respond. Brand knows the truth, which is why he’s cynically aimed his appeal at terminally gullible right wing cretins. A cult of terminally gullible right wing cretins is warm insulation from the truth.

Why aren’t the police investigating this?

The truth is out there

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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