Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Fuck it sure…lets hang him to fuck. Or maybe, we might let the powers that be investigate the matter, send a file to the DPP, have him prosecuted and, if guilty, imprisoned for the better part of the rest of his life. Just a thought.

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People are entitled to draw their own conclusions based on the investigation. It was outstanding public interest journalism. I’m really not sure what conclusions anybody would draw from the programme and the newspaper feature other than the bleedin’ obvious.

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According to those on the political left….

Go back a few years ago on his old Trews stuff. Things change I guess.

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There’s murmurs on reddit by a guy who has a contact in the media (so it must be true) who claimed that there’s a super injunction by Russell Brand going back a few years regarding allegations of this nature. Imagine if this coincided with his shift from darling of the left to a right wing conspiracy nut. Look at me with my first conspiracy theory. Daddy would be proud.

I know it’s the torygraph, but I got it for twenty quid a year, and I like the crossword.

The sport is decent.

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According to normal people, not right wing manbabies.

Everybody else has already thought of that one mate. It doesn’t seem that far fetched, but who knows.

Certainly his audience now are the most cretinous simpletons imaginable, who better to insulate yourself from reality with than millions of cretinous right wing simpletons who would defend you if you shot somebody dead in broad daylight in Fifth Avenue, as somebody once said.

Personally I think people who go that road of right wing conspiracism have to believe or end up believing what they say. I don’t think you can fake it like that. To fake it like that they’d definitely need to be a psychopath, although I suppose in Brand’s case and in the case of the rest of them too that is quite possible, nay likely. Though being a psychopath doesn’t mean they don’t believe what they say.

I dont mean to use shit sources lads but the radio news this morning said that more women had started to come forward. Make of that what ye will. *

  • I’d say there’ll be plenty more.

I’d say there will. Outside her choice of husband, herself is an impeccable judge of character. She says he’s a creep, always was, always will be. Good enough for me.


Yeah, it’s scary. The sheer numbers of them. We used to laugh at a mad aunt who disbelieved the moon landings. Now the world is nut heavy.

This fella was married to Katy Perry.Shes a bit of a freak I’d say.

sing music video GIF

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I wouldn’t say she’s a freak. But if she was, even she got away from him relatively quickly.

I got it for a song as well but cut it off after no time because I couldn’t stick the bilge it was pumping into my inbox.

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Rick James also a convicted rapist.

Can’t touch this