Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Cocaine’s a hellava drug

I’m getting very close. It’s an utter rag. Theoretically owned by my next door neighbor who is the official receiver. He said there is no ownership editorial pressure. I assured him it was spewing sewage like a British water pipe. I only look at the headlines occasionally. Like you say, it just fills your head space with badness. It is a truly hateful publication.


Flatty subscribes to the Telegraph. Well knock me down with a feather.

Pat Kenny was saying he was a great guest on the late late and very well behaved.

Brand is a wrong un, you know by the head on him, I never forgive him over that Faulty towers incident


Never really took much notice of him.

Seemed like he disappeared for a good 15 years.

Here’s my take on things if he is guilty of the alleged crimes, from a perspective of an addict who has spent the guts of the last decade helping mostly young addicts recover. Brand is alleged to have committed the crimes between being 3yrs and 10yrs sober. One thing I’ve noticed strongly in addiction recovery, is when you quit boozing and drugging, the addiction rears it’s head in other forms, like a game of ‘whack a mole’. It can often rear it’s head in the form of work, exercise, sex, food, web shopping etc…
The thing is that it’s important to have an awareness that this will happen, then taking action to deal with whatever form it arises in as they come up, or it will lead to a great degree of unmanagability in your life.
If you continue using the program, whose meetings Brand was allegedly attending according to one accuser claiming to have met him there, these metamorphoses of the illness, let’s call it, can be quelled, largely avoided, or at least experience them on a manageable level.
The other illness that Brand suffers from, which I have first hand experience of is Bipolar. One common symptom of untreated Bipolar disorder is hypersexuality, which can feel like a manic urge to sexually connect with another being.
If he is guilty, it’s not an excuse. Every human has the responsibility to treat any physical or mental ailments that may endager the health of others. However, the help is often gotten too late, when humans have already been harmed by the effects of the mental illness.
Looking at the end of the timeline of alleged crimes, it roughly aligns with the time period that Brand started the Kundalini journey. I’m not an expert by any means on the practice, but my loose knowledge is that it teaches a more spiritual approach to intimacy, often found attractive to people who came to various ‘end of the road’ experiences in their previous approach to sex in their life.
I firmly believe that the prisons of this world are populated by traumatised, physically and sexually abused children, who were deprived of mental health services due to socio-economic reasons, stigma, or culture and enter adulthood as dangers to society. If we wish to reduce crime and prison populations, countries need to look at how to incorporate a cost free or near cost free, abundant, high quality mental health service in every state…for a start.


He looks like a right smelly fucker as well


The phrase “trial by media” has been used several times on this thread. I think there is such a thing as trial by media - Huw Edwards’ treatment this summer would be a good example - he was basically accused of being a paedophile by The Sun and humiliated in front of the whole of Britain when there was zero evidence of him doing anything illegal and there was no real angle which served the public interest (and I do think there was an anti-BBC political motive where Edwards was targeted to try and take him down) - but I think very much that what is happening with Brand is not trial by media, it is proper journalism.

Given that notorious football paedophile Barry Bennell died today, I think it’s worth noting that Channel 4’s Dispatches broke a paedophilia scandal involving Barry Bennell and other youth football coaches in 1996. Bennell was first convicted in the UK in 1998 having being initially convicted of a separate offence in the US in 1994.

Then in 2016 Daniel Taylor of The Guardian interviewed former Crewe Alexandra player Andy Woodward, and that led to numerous victims coming forward and the conviction of a string of paedophiles who had operated at British football clubs.

These were not trial by media. Neither were, say, the stories of sexual abuse at Blackrock College which emerged on Liveline. This was public interest journalism.

The media, especially journalism - gives victims a voice in the way the justice system often cannot. It is up to journalism to treat stories with the utmost care and do their due diligence. Reputable media will do that. The danger comes with disreputable media, like The Sun, and the whole industrial bullshit machine of “new media” that millions and millions of people have suckered themselves into believing is more trustworthy than reputable traditional media. There are usually no standards with this new media. Social media can give victims a voice, as we saw with Nicola Gallagher. But with social media the danger is much greater that there will be trial by media, because mendacious allegations can be made much, much, much easier. There are no easy answers.

But programmes like the Dispatches programme about Brand are extremely valuable journalism, in the public interest.

In fairness to RTÉ investigative reporters they’ve been responsible for breaking some massive stories as well,
It appears that a lot in if people mistake serious journalism with ‘trial by media’, I’m sure channel 4 have all their ducks in a row here, or they’re fucked

With respect, your definition of ‘normal people’ is men who think they’re women. And vice versa.

The consequences of broadcasting shoddy journalism are massive. RTE had one very high profile case where it happened with the Fr. Kevin Reynolds allegations and it ended the journalist’s career with RTE and caused massive reputational damage to RTE. RTE News themselves covered the story of their own fuck up in depth, just as they covered the Tubridy payments controversy in depth. That’s the difference between a real journalism organisation and a fake one.

“New media” such as Gript faces no consequences for being shoddy, and everything they do is shoddy, because they’re a propaganda organisation with no standards.

With all due respect, ie. none, you are in no position to judge what a normal person is because you’ve chosen to be a right wing culture warrior.

Right wing culture warriors have zero critical thinking skills.

I was delighted to see that Nazi lover Posie Parker and her group of mostly imported bigots outnumbered about 10 to 1 on Saturday.

Fair play to alex jones for breaking the epstein story…the mainstream media stuck their heads in the sand for the best part of a decade…

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They did a great job finding pubs serving drinks without the €9 substantial meal during level 3 of covid

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Fair play for this effort. How senior was the person with the objection (would there be a W in the name)? It’s not a valid reason not to do something and it could be covered off by having a couple more languages. See can you get one or two people people higher up engaged on it and give it another push. As a last resort you could tip off the DRCC and get them to lobby for it.

He did have a tremendous covid tbf