Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

He’s some dose.

He looks/sounds shook.

Someone was telling me earlier that news of the last brand shocker coincided to with the news of the wIndrush scandal. This latest bunworry coincided with sir keir’s largely unreported attempt at de facto re-entry into the EC

He should drive a few nails into his wrists for dramatic effect.


if he had a shower and got a proper haircut this would not have happened to him


Is he entering a John Waters lookalike contest?


Christ, waters and now Brand. I sense a pattern here

Neil Oliver is also participating.

Thom Yorke wins that particular contest

He’s been stitched up good and proper. A creep he may be but its obvious there has been a huge consorted effort to discredit his voice.

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He’s doing weird things with his hands. Same square hand gesture repeatedly. Is he signalling He’s under duress?

Its convenient that this is all coming out now, after years of him being a degenerate if true. Plenty of others out there. Its a hit job based on what he has said. I doubt this would have come to light if he wasnt saying what he is saying.

I disagree. There was a woman on channel 4 last week saying that she would pass notes from brand to women in the audience, they would go along to his hotel, spend the night and then wait for a phone call which never came. This happened regularly.

Imagine if someone took away all your vending machines?


Innocent until proven guilty doesnt stack up in the modern world.


I would mow you down in the Berlingo if you so much as licked an unpurchased starbar…

They havent though. This surely has cemented his support in his constituency. He’ll be a conspiracy nut jesus more than ever. Surely the only thing he has to worry about is criminal proceedings which will fail if none of its true.

Yes, some short term cash flow issues but he’ll be fine. Can you PM me your Rumble credentials please?

No need for pm. Ive nothing to hiide. I watched the one where the ultimate warrior came back and bet hulk hogan. It was one of the greatest sporting events of all time.

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What surprises me is that any of them were expecting a call.

The entire affair is almost enough to put me off having sex with thousands of women