Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Let’s all just pick a few lads that we think are a bit rapey?

Yerra that’s all for show, as I roved by.

Seriously? Ok. Maybe we should run this by @Rocko first? Ive a few ready to go.

I used to like Russell Brand. Hopefully there’s a day of judgment coming for the Irish comedy scene

I’m going to hazard a guess brand is a wrong one but the only reason the media went after him was because of the views he was expressing.

I’d say Id he kept his mouth shut he’d have gotten away with it.

If lance Armstrong didn’t come back that time he probably wouldn’t have been caught juicing either.


Yeah…the media are self-serving cunts.

Tubs raped Renault when he took that money

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I’ll start it off - Russell Brand.


To hell with trial by social media …Why not tie the accused to a wooden post, pour petrol over them & set them on fire.

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Sure lads here were telling us the notion Brand was right wing was ridiculous, also The Times and Sunday Times are owned by Rupert Murdoch.

On that basis the only possible “conspiracy” would have to be a right wing one by Murdoch against a supposedly left wing figure.

But it wasn’t that.

Blackrock College sex abusers defender alert

Anyone have the full article here

He was hilarious around the Big Brother time. Someone very clever in C4/Endemol hired him. Right person right time.

There’s nothing much to it tbh

Maybe you feel society descending into a form of idiocracy is a positive step. I happen to believe due process is the backbone of a civilized society’s judicial system…transparency, accountability, and adherence to established rules and procedures.
Go ahead throw it in the bin & reinvent the wheel while you’re at it.
By the way far from defending any form of sexual deviant, my attitude towards those convicted is more medieval in nature.


Theres one or two on here whove been very actively condemning brand

Dont get them excited


Stay free folks

Is he reciting the names of Peter Gabriel albums?