Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

Will the list of epstiens guests get the same treatment, all of which can be assumed to be the same as brand? Or is it that they are not awkward?

If brand did in fact do what is accused fuck him

Correct and whether he votes left wing or right wing it doesn’t matter.


Legally he is.

The court of public opinion is a much different matter. The court of public opinion gave their verdict on Mason Greenwood and Rory Gallagher.

The court of far right public opinion doesn’t give a fuck. There are no allegations and no obvious truths that can persuade them to leave the cult. Every allegation and every truth that comes out only reinforces belief in the cult and that the cult’s members are all victims of a grand, overarching conspiracy.

Sure you’re as bad.

Just let the authorities handle it and once they come to their conclusion comment on it.


Brand doesn’t vote for anyone

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The sad part of this is that so much energy and resources have been put into getting the alleged victims together for a TV and newspaper exposé as opposed to a criminal investigation. As a victim of an alleged assault of this nature, would you prefer a trial by media or a conviction, if guilty in court? Maybe it’s just the way society has evolved to, and perhaps a criminal investigation and trial will commence as a result of this, but I believe the media should have a moral obligation to steer alleged victims of crimes of this nature to the courts before using their stories to attract audience and/or sell newspapers.


The media are hopeless shower and you can. Have zero faith in them.

They’ve made it so easy for lunatics to gain prominence because of their inability to report the truth.

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The media are scum and have no interest in justice. If the guy raped anyone, he should be tried and jailed for a very long time. This trial by media is extremely dangerous.


If we adopt this attitude, then nothing is true anymore. I remember picking up a copy of The National Enquirer as a child and having a laugh at the content with friends. We knew it was nonsense, and we knew where we could look to for the truth. Nowadays, a lot of the media, especially watched by Republicans in the U.S. is no different from The national enquirer in the 80s/90s, but the general public havn’t the critical thinking skills to realise that their choice of media outlets are grossly distorting the truth in order to boost the percentage points and agendas of politicians they’ve chosen to back.
As the X-Files used to proclaim, ‘The truth is out there’. We just need to learn to know it when we find it, and to broaden our search for it. People need to be taught from a young age, going forward critical thinking skills. Democracies of the western world are in serious danger now, with Trump showing ‘post truth’ politicians that you can get elected by preying on the fears of the populace and lying your way to the top.

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We don’t live in an ideal world. The dice is absolutely loaded in favour of the perpetrator of a sexual crime, especially a very rich one. That’s why these things tend to emerge in the media.

Abusers like Weinstein and Brand tend to abuse in numbers. When the story emerges, more victims tend to come forward, and I imagine that might be the case with Brand.

Harvey Weinstein would never have been convicted only for the story emerging in the media first.

There’s something very similar to Jimmy saville about this. As in he was openly boasting about being a bit of a predatory creepy cunt and his whole persona was based on it. We’ll probably get a slew of women coming out accusing him now


Like all Ewanists, you deliberately use the term “the media” as if the media is a single entity rather than a vast spectrum made up of many different entities of widely varying credibility. It’s a neat trick to avoid dealing with reality.

The main stream media. CNN, Rte and sky news etc etc

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Nobody who spouts these dumb cliches is actually interested in what the real issues with journalism and media are, because these issues are many layered, extremely complex and nuanced.

They’re just interested in spouting vacuous cliches and appearing certain of their views when they actually know nothing. Just like the average fan of Russell Brand.

Glenn Greenwald is defending Brand. Again, this was utterly predictable. In betting parlance it would have been a 1/100 shot.

I’ve said it for years - Greenwald is an unfunny joke, a total grifter and fraud and a disgrace to himself.

The meeja have every right to go after brand, they’ve also every right investigate what gates and clinton were doing on epsteins island- they won’t though, and a few lads here are happy enough with that being the case.
Brand can be guilty and the investigation can be politically motivated…

If the far right would let the left tax the billionaires the cunts wouldn’t own islands

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Brand’s defenders now also include:

Far right conspiracist grifter and fraud Lara Logan
Far right conspiracist grifter and fraud Kate Shemirani
Fake leftist and Russia lover George Galloway
GB News shaman Neil Oliver
Daily Telegraph professional wrong about everything merchant Allison Pearson

I shall update if I don’t get bored with the total predictability of all of this.

Who could have guessed Tucker Carlson would be claiming all this is a conspiracy?

Could somebody summarise the last 100 posts? The wife wants to know what’s going on. Damped if I’m reading them. Thanks.