Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross versus Manuel from Fawlty Towers

The klaxons have sounded.

“Look over there!”

There are very dangerous people among us.

But but but the emails

The crossover between those who have come out to bat for Brand and those who cheerlead Russia is remarkable.

Have Clare and Mick weighed in yet?


They’re waiting for the revolut to clear first


I don’t know but our old anti-vaccine friend Simon Goddek has heard the klaxons. @Tierneevin1979 must have copied and pasted his post. The propaganda narrative has been agreed. Shout “Epstein”. Shout “Clinton”. Shout “Biden”. As we all knew they would do. Russell Brand is their guy, and their guy has to be protected.

Matt Le Tissier has heard the right wing klaxons.

The Epstein story was broken by the dogged journalistic work of Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald, FFS sake.

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Bob Geldof, as usual, was a shrewd judge of a person’s character.

“Russell Brand, what a cunt.”

He meant it too.

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Cheasty, you’re some soldier to the cause to be fair to ya. For your own sake, I hope Brand is red rotten guilty.

Anti-vaccine demagogue Ivor Cummins has come out to bat for Russell Brand. He says Brand is a “hero”. The self styled Fat Emperor has #letwomenspeak hashtags festooned all over his Twitter, while telling women to shut up. Nice grift.

The value of public service journalism right there.

C4 News and Current Affairs didn’t spare Channel 4 over how Brand was allowed operate at the station for years.

That’s the difference between proper journalism and bullshit. Real journalism isn’t afraid to go after its parent organisation when it’s merited. BBC News will make BBC the story when it’s merited. Same with RTE News.

That’s the difference between a real journalistic organisation and a pretend one like Gript.

These entities are vital for democracy and should be cherished.

Brand should be in prison.

Nasty words from nasty Bob, probably spoke to his wife and kids like that too . Explains a lot

This will put the cat among the pigeons. Trumps hates brand. Brand haters hate everything trump agrees with…

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

But if you go back a number of years before that Geldof was pushing for Brand to get the freedom of Dublin.

Trial by media is wrong. Its odd that the Sunday Times and Channel 4 had to collaborate for a number of years to get this story out there.

If Brand is guilty, absolutely let the full force of the law hit him. Maybe its true and if it is, he is a scumbag cunt. If it isnt, its a savage attack on someone who hasnt been found guilty of anything in a court of law.

Why is this not been dealt with in the courts?


‘Just asking questions’

What you meant to say is “meticulously researched journalism that takes years to produce and stand up legally, especially when the subject is somebody I like, is wrong”.


I don’t particularly like Russell Brand. He has had some decent points at times in relation to the aul covid etc especially in terms of the measures, but I wouldnt be a fan of his by any means.

Aside from all that. I think its harsh enough to lable someone as being a rapist etc without it being before a court of law. I’d think the same if anyone else in the morning was being classified as such. Even if I was totally opposed to their political views.

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