Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Once you get a Russian on Irish soil you have them beaten. They can’t resist the booze. Sure look at what happened poor oul’ Boris Yeltsin.

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I’d ride that.

There’s always one, isn’t there?

Bit of an owl puzzler here for Simon.

I said it here a few days ago, they’re after rattling Russia’s cage with all the back slapping and memes about the fishermen in Kerry facing down Russia and winning.

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Wonder does Hawley get paid off in dollars or roubles.

Do you think NATO members want Ukraine to join?

It looks like this is fizzling out.

Was just going to say the same. People are bored with it already.

They’d either want to shit or get off the pot in
My opinion.

You’d lads on here talking about covid again today.

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Last thing any of us want is war in Eastern Europe

If they wanted a war the first we’d have known about it would have been when they started it

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War is great entertainment

Price of living is bad enough as it is

It’s like two lads threatening the fight each other outside a nightclub. If they were really going to fight someone would be throwing a box straight away instead of giving the other lad a chance to round up friends as back up.

It leads to fantastic films

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Another masterclass on the world stage from President Putin :clap: :clap:


Nice red herring of a question.

What do you think the most important question in this whole scenario is?

I’d say it’s a fairly simple one. What is the best way to stop Russia making any further incursion into Ukraine? It already occupies part of it, remember.

Sadly, I don’t think there’s a diplomatic solution to that question. Any supposed diplomatic solution will only embolden Putin to interfere more. Force is the only thing he understands.

There is already precedent for NATO intervening in a non-member state. It did so when the Serbs were genociding the Kosovars. It was correct to intervene then. And it would be correct to intervene now.

I dont really think that NATO membership for the Ukraine could work if Russia is already occupying it. How would that work? Would the US and Russia immediately be at war if Ukraine joined NATO?

It’s not a red herring of a question. Ukraine can’t join NATO if most NATO members don’t want it to join. It won’t be joining NATO in the near future.

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