Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ukraine has problems with corruption, like many places. It would appear to me that much of the corruption is tied to oligarchs who are friendly with Putin. The people were allowed to elect a president who promised to tackle corruption. That is because it is a free, democratic country.

Whereas Russia is a dictatorship run by a mafia, where if you speak out in any way against the criminal leadership you’ll end up anywhere from being beaten up by police to being thrown out of a window to being shot to being poisoned to being murdered in prison.

From the guy who avoided the question. Captian irony once again. And in fact my reply did address your post. I don’t think Ukraine joining NATO is on the cards at all.

You’re still avoiding the actual question. And the issue.


You’re still avoiding the question and the issue.

I just asked you a simple enough question that I thought related to what you said. You avoided it and I replied and then you said I avoided the question, after you repeatedly avoided the fairly simple question.

This is a very odd interaction. I’ll leave you off.

You don’t get to decide what the question or the issue is. That’s what Mick Wallace and Eddie the anti-vaxxer on Liveline try to do.

The reality of what is happening on the Russian-Ukrainian border, ie. Russia threatening war on a free, democratic country, is the issue.

To be pedantic Boris actually never set foot on Irish soil that day

Ok. And do you think that Ukraine joining NATO is on the cards? Or that NATO members want Ukraine to join?

I’d say negative to both. It’s not a route to resolving the tension.

I’ll give you another chance.

What is the question? The question as regards the reality of what is happening with Russia having their troops mounted on the Ukrainian border, prepared for war?

What is it?

Last go:

But that isn’t the question. That’s a Wallaceism.

The question is: what needs to be done to persuade Russia not to invade Ukraine? And even more importantly, what should be done?

And it’s a question you seem desperate to avoid.

There’s no right answer to either of those questions, both depend heavily on perspective.

I only asked you a question about one aspect and you had a shit attack.

You think there’s no right answer? Really?

we need to be tough on Russia
Also UK
Please Russia give us all your money

The amount of dirty Russian money floating around the west, and especially Britain, is a disgrace. Those assets need to be frozen and seized and there needs to be a massive overhaul of politics so that those who enable it are ousted.

NATO and the post World War II order are also the only people who can help Ukraine and its people to remain a free, democratic, independent country in the face of a warmongering fascist mafia state.

You have chosen to give your support to that warmongering fascist mafia state.

The McCarthyism runs deep in this one I see.

Russia is the most McCarthyite nation on the planet.

Why do you support warmongering by Russia?

Your beloved Nato are the aggressors here, that is not in dispute.
You are happy being a useful idiot for Boris

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No they aren’t. Russia are. Russia are 100% to blame for this situation.

I laughed at that.