Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The desperate attempts to hold the shake was worrying

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Indeed. Western mediaā€™s talk of his demise is a joke sure.

That was a waste of 3 minutes.

You even have prominent historians taking a swing and missing.


ā€œItā€™s what led him to invade Ukraineā€
Not according to @Lazarus

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Very amusing to be fair.

Tracksuit has you reeling I see

Yes, the unfortunate tracksuit has decreed that it was cowardly of me for you to pivot 180 degrees and seek the safety of the herd. His reasoning is that Iā€™ve told lies about him. I suppose this is the internet equivalent of lying down and feigning injury?
Itā€™s like being savaged by a dead sheep, as the man saysā€¦

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Youā€™re some softcock alright :grinning:

You have a hidden profile but youā€™re happy to drag up 9 year old posts :joy:


Could you clarify the rules here, or explain your thinking? Itā€™s ok to quote a nine year old post if ones profile isnā€™t hidden? Seems a bit arbitrary

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Have I missed the news?

When weā€™re Ukraine & Georgia given membership of NATO?

That would have prevented me from referring to you as a coward, yes :+1:

You say you have a hidden profile because somebody here has malice towards you (or something like that), donā€™t type things that youā€™re not prepared to stand by maybe :man_shrugging:

Sure half the forum has hidden their profile since the lad in question went on his doxing spree. Itā€™s only a big deal in your imaginationā€¦this isnā€™t your classroom.
As for standing over what you say, when did i tell lies about you?

It was on TikTok, mate.

I deleted my account only last week :man_facepalming:t2:

Who was doxxed? How does hidden profile prevent doxxing?

You repeatedly misrepresented my views on Covid and vaccines, that was one thing,
Honest to God youā€™re an awful sensitive soul :man_shrugging:

Former poster @Sidney was doxxed by @maroonandwhite which is the only actual doxxing of anybody that has occurred on this forum to date to the best of my knowledge but the TFK Gemmas like the Dungiven spambot were just fine with that.

Give me an example there.

Who were all the doxxings you mentioned a while ago,
I answered your question, Iā€™ll search later if I have a chance, itā€™s difficult when youā€™re dealing with a hidden profile

But who were the victims of the doxxing spree you mention?