Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That’s his brain.

Remember everyone this is the same guy who constantly refers to far right fascism, throwing out phrases like total victory and forcibly moved out is ok though and in no way should be picked up wrong. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


working the it crowd GIF

Total victory is what was and had to be achieved to defeat fascism in World War II.

What happened immediately after World War II involved mass forced population transfers. This is how the present day borders of Poland were created out of much of what was formerly Germany.

That’s the grim reality of war.

You freely admit to knowing nowt about this subject. Yet you still insist on commenting on it.

If far right fascists like yourself weren’t far right fascists, you wouldn’t be called far right fascists.

You are a far right fascist and have many years of proven form for being such, so you get called a far right fascist.

As it should be.

Sure you’re the guy the who worships the Confederacy. Imagine being a worshipper of slavery and complaining about being called a far right fascist. :rofl:

It’s ok Mein Führer il leave you to work on your final solution to ending this conflict in a non peaceful method.

Who’s preaching? Peace talks have a starting point and after that it’s wild speculation. There’s multiple posters here very worried about bombs dropping on civilians (@padjo ) … Engaging in peace talks might just be one way of stopping them.

For Russian crimea is a no. Ukraine need to decide if they can live with that and if not what status does Crimea hold - semi autonomous or fully back as part of Ukraine etc. etc.

Donbass will be held in a similar light by Russia but it may not be an absolute. They might propose a federal state… Ukraine will need to decide if there’s any concessions they are willing to make here.

Gas lines need to be installed, running from Russia to Europe, and not to be pilfered like they were previously.

Ukraine already realizes that NATO is a no… So they’ll want agreement about ability to arm themselves. They’ll also want Russia to stump up billions to repay for the damage they’ve caused and to repatriate Ukrainians sent to Russia - possibly will want a few sacrifical lambs for war crimes.

It will essentially come down to how close they can get on the Donbass region.


Thanks for your answer. Oddly, you just said a minute ago that nobody could answer that question

Its not ideal but whether its tomorrow, next week or next year the likes of Macron will chair peace talks.

It is that or world war 3. I certainly would prefer the former rather than the latter.

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It is the likes of you, people of your mindset, who were on the Nazi side in World War II.

Whereas I had family members who contributed to the war effort in England and am proud of that.

No surprise there, telpis il buy a poppy off you in November.

They are the obvious topics for peace talks, at least initially… I cant speculate what concessions Ukraine will or should make for the sake of peace.

See, there you go, proving me right about you again.

You genuinely believe the wrong side won the American Civil War and you believe the wrong side won World War II.

That’s a fair oul’ pointer to whose side you’re on when it comes to this war.

Are you the lad who denies the famine was a genocide? No surprise knowing the background and history of your family name.

The civil war was about the economy and the north smashing southern free labour so they could benefit economically.

It’s a historical fact.

Facts are important, though not to you.

You’re fair oul’ rattled there bringing up my family name, aren’t you. Nice of you to go digging, nice to know I obsess you that much.

If you knew anything at all about your home place, which I doubt you do, you’d know my family name is most common on this island in rural east Limerick.

I believe @Watchyourtoes is the only US civil war expert on the forum. You can’t just twitter that expertise unfortunately.


Ooohhh right into the marrow, should I be expecting a PM next? :grin: you have previous, please do.

Why on earth would I send a PM to a pathetic internet troll who admits they’ve been frantically researching my real identity?

No need to feel shame, well a little bit.

Your problem buddy is that like all far right fascists and internet trolls, you’re incapable of feeling shame despite your all round pathetic nature.