Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

You’d hope a few of the oligarchs would be getting together saying this fella has to be got rid of before he fucks it up for all of us. Must be such an environment of fear and paranoia within that inner circle though that you’d imagine nobody wants to stick their head above the parapet. For fear of being fed to the pigs.


They can stop Russian ships from leaving but not from coming in. Which given that is the only way they want to go makes it a bit pointless.
The Turks and Russians have an uneasy alliance at the moment so Erdoğan unlikely to do anything.
He is probably thinking if this all kicks off I’m going to restart the ottoman empire

I’d say you’re bang on there. They’re afraid of their shit of him I’d say. I’d also wager none of them trust each other either.

I see a longtime Sky Sports New presenter now hosting a Newshour show on TRT News.

I assume putin is up to his eyeballs in amphetamines like like his predecessor adolf

All Russian leaders meet their end at the hand of their inner circle.

Like Fianna Fáil.

That nomenclature hardly inspired it.

I got a decent look at the place doing the Trans-Mongolian. Moscow is a very impressive place in some ways and much more multi-cultural than you’d expect.

Outside that… Russia is a dump in a way that an Irishman would struggle to comprehend. Most of the towns I passed were just masses of shacks and then one proper decent house where the local government official / mafia leader lived. If you say “shithole” to an Irishman they think of Leitrim or Tipperary Town. You’ve never seen a shithole in your life. You’ve never even seen a kip.

Towns isolated hundreds of miles from each other with hardly any roads… its just hard to explain. Incredible nature. Unreal wildflowers. Potential off the charts. Maybe one day it could be like the American Midwest. In about 300 years time.


Would it be similar to a lot of old east Germany? I spent a lot of time there in the early 90s and a lot of the towns were grey and depressing

The towns are brown because they’re all made from wood. And corrugated iron.

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For those who missed it

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No then. East Germany was just grey. Obviously just let go after they divied up after ww2

This sort of thing.

I think that was one of the more built up places actually.


That looks gorgeous :grinning:

Depressing alright. Old east Germany wasn’t really like that though. Towns/cities were full of grey buildings that were obviously neglected after Russia took control at the end of the war

This was what the place looked like


Part of the reason I think there was so little western push back against what Russia did against Ukraine since 2014 - even up to two days ago - was a deep seated, basically racist (racist as in just pure ignorant) feeling of pure ambivalence, a feeling that “Ukraine is really Russia anyway, isn’t it?”

Few people knew much about Ukraine. It wasn’t in our consciousness. It wasn’t seen as being in “the west”.

All this ignorance was why these bullshit arguments about “NATO is at fault” and “buffer zones” and “spheres of influence” hung around like a particularly bad smell in western media and politics.

There isn’t that sort of feeling about Finland. Finland is seen as an integral part of the west. It’s an EU member. But it isn’t in NATO.

Finland used to be a Russian province. That’s what it was from 1809 to 1917. So when Putin talks about the Russian Empire, why would Finland not be the softest target?

Finland gets invaded before it can get admitted to NATO. What then?

Does the west fight if Finland is invaded?

That’s bad. Is that the Berlin Wall?

A lot of Eastern Europe still looks like that outside of the city centres

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That looks worse than than Mallow