Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The Russian rose has been banned from the Rose of Tralee competition.
If that doesn’t cool their jets nothing will.


Theres nearly an auld charm to the soviet apartment blocks

A small act but a proper one

Yeah I was a bit shocked tbh when I first saw it in the flesh. I was only a chap but the difference between the two sides of was shocking. I’ve been back to Germany many times since I was living there , mostly for mini breaks, Christmas markets etc. but never ventured back to the east of the country. Almost exclusively to Bavaria.

Pal of mine is married to a girl who grew up in East Berlin.

You’d get stuff she said but Eastern European version and would take months. Weren’t allowed wear denim or tune into Western radio stations but she said as a child you don’t really notice much. Her uncle was in the Stasi and died mysteriously after the wall fell. They live over in Berlin now again - moved back from here

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Why are they so against Sweden joining? There is no land border that I am aware of. Control of the Baltic Sea I’m guessing

The poles are melting cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

There’s an island in the middle of the Baltic, not that far across from Kaliningrad, that is Swedish. Gotland. The Russians would love control of that.

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I don’t think so. They’ve basically said, don’t touch NATO, have at Ukraine and all other non-NATO nations. That includes Finland.

Finland beat Russia in the Olympic Ice Hockey Final last Sunday as well. Vladimirovich will be rightly pissed off with the Finns at the moment.


But the EU cannot have that because Finland is in the EU. If Finland is touched before it can join NATO I think the west fights. I don’t see how it doesn’t.

But I don’t think the invasion happens because the more that comes out, the more it becomes apparent that the Russian military is not the force that Putin thinks it is.

I met a few east germans in the first two or three years after reunification. A lot of them were struggling at the time to come to terms with their new found freedom. A touch of Stockholm syndrome. One in particular saying that at least they had a roof over their heads and some sort of income.

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Yeah your one said it was sort of idyllic. You had fuck all but all you needed and nobody had anything so you didn’t feel you were missing anything. She said her folks must have been nervous as everybody was watched.


The Russian military never got over the ignominy of getting chased out of Afghanistan.

They are very much a force of numbers army. The life of a Russian matters not a jot once the Russian way of life is protected.

Like shannon Town?

Finland will be our Franz Ferdinand

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You should look at the Bald and Bankrupt guy on YouTube? He travels around the former USSR and most of it looks like a dreary shithole

Because of Putin’s ideology, and also because the Russian military looks like it is not the force that Putin thinks it is, I am worried about the following.

Novaya Gazeta, which is to my knowledge the only properly independent newspaper still operating out of Russia, today used a headline “Come And See”. That was a reference to the 1985 Soviet war movie. The final scene in that movie was of the Nazis herding the population of a village into a massive barn, and then laughing as they set the barn on fire.

Russia’s actions in Syria, Afghanistan and indeed so far in this conflict would not inspire confidence that they may not resort to genocide, especially if the conflict becomes bitter, as it looks like it inevitably will do.

Putin has continually referred to Ukrainians as Nazis to legitimise anything.

India are setting up online Rupee Trade accounts to maintain business with Vladimirovich I see.