Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

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Is that Shannon town ?

The Air Malaysia guy was heard to say you first when his cockpit was contacted by that Air India jet

If only they could use the same approach to those sneering loyalist cunts when they get airtime on RTE

Its reserved for Russians and sinn fein

Veers a bit too much into emotion there. One of the Russian talking points on the “regime” needs to be challenged a bit more seeing as the Presidency changed in 2019…

Entertaining though, that fella clearly isn’t enjoying himself. I’d say Russian authorities are a bit surprised on the reaction globally to this tbh, they’ve played the game of divide and conquer with Western Culture Wars but the full glare has been turned on them here. Their usual crew of Stop The War campaigners who deflect on their behalf have been getting called out left, right and centre in the last 48 hours.

They definitely don’t have control of the “narrative” and tbf to Biden, it’s because of his Administration turning the tables.


Can you flesh out a bit on your last sentence there boss. I’m not disagreeing with you, I just don’t understand it


It’s mad to have him on really. It’s like having German ambassador on in 1939 arguing that the Jewish problem needs solving.

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Biden saying what Putin is going to do next is 3D chess that has ripped the Russian narrative power away.

A NATO no fly zone over Ukraine would make it very interesting - that must be being considered to call their bluff and end it now before Putin gets emboldened.

At that level of politics it must be some stress levels - the world literally could end if you call it wrong

It’s not really anything like that

Yeah look stop the war should be the arguement when dealing with what should be reasonable countries. The Iraq war is case and point. The west tried everything within reason to keep peace but that was clearly irrelevant.

Ukraine was moving closer to the EU and Nato. After this they will be fast tracked in and given the euro to rebuild. Biden is avoiding war as much as possible by stating they will only go in if nato is attacked.

I don’t think we should kick the Russian ambassador out. I think we need to keep pulling him out in public and humiliate the cunt. More evidence for the haige

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Xi has seen how it plays out. Taiwan is a little safer for now. We may have a few years to move silicone chip production out of there

Ok Comrade.

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The US told us all in advance of what he was going to do. His narrative was ruined. Only the truly gullible believe a word from Putin now.

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Is there just a hint of a slight turn tonight?

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Whats the latest? Are they holding their own or what

I keep hearing NATO officials saying they will help Ukraine by sending more arms. That can’t happen quickly enough to be effective at this stage surely?

How can they properly get them to where they are needed with Russian forces already on the ground regardless?

Looks like the Russians are a lemonade stand outfit and starting to falter. They’ve lost more soldiers in 36 hours than the US lost in 20 years in Iraq.

I thought it would be over in days and Russia would sweep them aside but in Eurovision parlance the televote is coming in now and the balance is shifting.

It’s fascinating as if Ukraine hold firm then Biden sweeps elections in US for Democrats. If Ukraine falls Republicans will sweep them and maybe the course of history changes forever.

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