Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If he fires those they will be returned.

If he hits this site he can lay blame elsewhere.

Maybe you could cop onto yourself too
We’ll see which happens first

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Maybe. There’s a view he could use a tactical nuke. The Russians reckon the USA used
them in Iraq and Afghanistan

Chinese UN representative basically telling Russia & NATO to cop the fuck on here.

“ Ukraine should be a bridge from East to West and not be a barrier “

Have to look good on the Internet. Masks are gone now

Reactor 4 is fairly well sealed, the original sarcophagus and the shield that was put on last decade. But there is already concern about another explosion as radiation has been rising in the past few years, they are not sure why, maybe an indirect effect from the shield. It’s enough of a worry already without this fuckacting.

If the US did surely China and Russia would have shown the atmospheric radiation data at the time to condem them?

This Russian lad at the UN is on a batshit rant. Ukraine are murdering civilians backed by the west

I think China gently hinted that regime change is needed in Russia.
He stated that territorial & sovereignty rights of nations must be respected.

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The Wermacht had an early version of Crystal meth in their ration pack. They fought with furious eyes as the Polish said. Drugs were a staple

As for the Nazi thing in Ukraine. Stalin did some number on the Cossacks post war for alleged collaboration.

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The Chinese, a great bunch of lads

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No problem. We’re used to it by now.

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Can the Russian claims of Ukrainian war crimes be backed up in relation to the civil war in the Donbas?

I heard it stated that at least 14,000 lives had been lost since 2014 but it said these were Ukrainian fighters?

The Russian lad is throwing the US brits and France under the bus for supplying weapons to Ukraine. The attacks on hospitals kindergarten etc are fake news and false flags by nato

The China rep fairly handed it to Putin. All about peace now of course. Great TV in fairness

Good old pervatin, the allies were no strangers to amphetamines either in wwII. Usaaf piloits still imbibe in derivatives to this day


Fascinating. The world view for the next 50 years will be based on this week. Like Sarajevo 100 years ago.


Watching it I get the feeling China have been playing Russia all along

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Very good observation. Let’s hope we all learn from that farce

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