Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Once the tide turns you’d hope he can do fuck all.

People slate America and it’s a basket case in many ways but without it to stand down lads like Putin the world would have been really fucked


Yup India and UAE claim Russia has legitimate security concerns. The Chinese see the writing on the wall

The ropets are that the higher radiation is cause by movement of heavy equipment on the surfaces around the plant throwing up dust. Take what you want from it. Still whats to gain by damaging it, would the soldiers do that knowing they would be fried by the radiation

Tonight could be crucial.

Plenty of reports stating the the capital has come under sustained attack & power stations have been hit.

I’d fear Putin believes if he can take Kyiv he is back in the hot seat.

Seriously we all question sleepy Joe’s state of mind and capability at his age but has putin got a similar cognitive decline issue or another terminal ailment? Could have forced him into speeding up his overall plan to cement his legacy. Failure in this invasion will end with him dead or in jail. Surely if it fails he will be overthrown in Russia by the people or military

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Defo he’ll be dead within two weeks if this keeps going wrong for them.


@balbec are they allowed to bring swans?


Will they do a gaddafi or show trial like saddam got?

Calling the Ukrainian Government Drug addicts & Neo Nazi’s is very worrying imo.

If he’s saying that in front of a functioning camera I’d be worried about his mental state.

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Poland is showing the rest of the world up here


Pray that you never have to experience what they are going through.


Reactors 1,2 and 3 projected to be complete by 2065. Reactor 4 will be highly radioactive for the next 20,000 years.

And kept a perfectly serious expression. Neo nazis when the president is a Jew is madness. My mother said a large portion of the SS on the Eastern front were Ukrainian as they just wanted to fight the Russians, hence this arguement

Drug addicts, I suspect that putin is on something to keep him going. It is recorded that Hitler was a heavy amphetamine user towards the end of the war

Maybe we all can learn about this generosity and apply it to refugees from Africa and Syria

Worst case scenario, if that is bombed how far reaching is the aftermath?
My angle I suppose is, would Putin be putting his own population at risk by hitting it or would he essentially be making Ukraine a wasteland alone?

Excuse my ignorance.

Part of me thinks Putin wants to strangle Kyiv in a siege as a sort of revenge for what happened his home city Leningrad before he was born.

Putin’s obsession with Kyiv reminds me of Hitler’s obsessions with both Paris and Stalingrad.

Hitler deeply admired Paris but ended up wanting to level it. Hitler was obsessed with Stalingrad because of its name.

Putin is obsessed with Kyiv because of a blood and soil mystical fascist fascination. He imagines it as his and he imagines a fantasy world where it is populated by people who adore him as the all powerful Tsar.

But his military strategy is basically to level places through sheer barbarism. There is a fundamental tension and contradiction there. His object of lust hates him and to get it he’ll have to destroy it.

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Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. I messaged a Ukrainian girl who was seeing my housemate few years back and was over a few times. Her family are stuck over and hasn’t heard anything. It’s fuckign awful. I’ve a spare room if any of them need it


It’s unthinkable.

It’s a turning point in the history of the world.

Hopefully for the better.

If Russia fails here then we’ll be in a much better world. If they succeed then who knows what happens next.

We don’t see it clearly as we live day to day but we’ve lived through some times the last few years

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He has actual nuclear weapons if he wants to go down that route

Fair play mate, that’s mighty big of you