Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

That is what we talked about here only 5 minutes ago.
Who gains from all of this? Reckon China wins either way.

Is that why India is taking such an apparently daft approach?

The Chechens are thought to be on the loose in Kyiv too.

US abstained on a vote on India before.

You’d get a perverse sense of pride to see Ukrainian soldiers fighting like dogs. Going down swinging while giving the middle finger with both hands

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Imho and I am only and international affairs expert on the Internet for 4 days, is China is eying up a mass of land in Eastern Russia. A collapse of Russia and further break up of the final remnants of the soviet Union. Have we any geological experts here that know what minerals are in Eastern Russia?

This springs to mind

China are running with the hares and hunting with the hounds in all of this. They are not to be trusted one iota.


Of course not but have they seriously outplayed the Russian chess lads?

Go back over the last 150 years. Gulf war 1, fall of the Berlin Wall, WWII, WWI and the crimean war I the 19th century all exploded in the course of a week and the effects lasted decades


Not that I approve of invading other countries but jaysus it’d be terribly funny if the Chinese invaded half of Russia while Putin had his back turned.

He’d go down as the biggest fool in history.

Lake Baikal alone has more freshwater than anything else on earth probably

In short, lots of all kinds of desirable resources from uranium to titanium

Ukraine UN council member has just given a brilliant speech.

Russian delegate is seething


I thought they were also at war with Russia? Where did I go wrong?

The Crimean war is still being fought today shur you could argue.
Minus the ladies with lamps

Water wars are coming

Yup as we have seen. It’s mental the amount of irish that fought that war back in the day

This whole thing is a bit of a cunt for me because I was planning on traveling the trans Siberian railway this autumn ffs

They were in the 1990s up to 2000 but Putin flattened Grozny after the false flag bomb attacks in Moscow in 1999. Ramzan Kadyrov was then installed by Putin in 2007 to rule the place with a titanium fist.

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What channel is all this on?