Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

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Vegas is screwed in about 20 years potentially I saw on some show recently because of this. If climate change is genuine then inland fresh water supplies will naturally diminish even without consumption.

Fair enough a puppet goverment. I’m sure they will turn at the sniff of blood. What’s the story with dagastan or whatever it is called where kabib is from? Weren’t they also fighting the Russians?

Al jazeera

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Gorbachev is just about to take power on IPTV


Avocados and almonds

Michael Burry knows, he was just a little early

A tour de force here. Slow patient and sticking the sword in with bare facts

Yeah Colorado River a good example of this.

Zelensky seems a bit more upbeat in his tweets tonight. Last night he was saying they stood alone, tonight he’s acknowledging all the support he’s getting from other countries.

The Arabs are too when the oil runs out. They are building massive desalination plants. I assume they will try and use solar to power these eventually. But tropical countries will suffer massively

Nestle. Evil shower of cunts

This is fascinating viewing

Fuck them, I hit three springs when digging a tank for slats here about 10 years ago. I’ll be a millionaire someday


Al jazeera

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All those irrigation schemes keeping villages alive in Africa will be the equivalent of a watering can over a sandpit

Zelensky saying Kiev will be stormed in the next few hours

Us Europeans, even the Italians, will finally work out that the Mercator map was the biggest lie of all.

This war is distracting us from the real war on climate change. Putin the cunt

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