Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Somebody needs to tell these lads that smoking kills……

Things I learned today. Never heard of them until your post

Putin must be dangerously close to getting banned off Twitter at this stage

Pilger wasn’t the point pal, It was the result of the tribunal…

Trump got banned for less. Literally

It’s a little odd that so called political experts on here blame this entirely on Putin and Russia instead of asking the real question WHY. Imperialism by Russia, Christ. They know they wouldn’t stand a chance if they dared go to a NATO state and I personally don’t think they have any plans to do so. Fact of the matter is he is a total prick and like the US , Russia have been involved in proxy wars in the middle east for the last 30 years with millions killed. Some in the name of democracy and freedom, others more sinister with religion being an influence but it’s mostly about greed. The US had their eyes on the middle east since after WW1 actually. The cold war never went away it was just fought on different grounds but the US paranoia about the Russians cannot be ignored. Russia is a horrible state, but why antagonize. US had already moved NATO closer and closer (after promises not to do so) but there is evidence that the emergence of the current Ukraine regime was engineered by the US, Obama and Victoria Nuland (I think its called a coup). The CIA had been training some of these lads in Poland months beforehand. Why do the US need to encircle, its madness, Imagine it was happening on the other side. Leave those mad Russians alone and don’t look to have nukes on their border, especially with a government that has been placed there in a country that they have deep roots with.
I\d like to hear @Tierneevin1979 view here on the Why


Most Ukrainians support their government and supported the Orange Revolution

They were right, they should have done more.

If this wasn’t happening in Ukraine it would be happening in Poland. If it wasn’t happening in Poland it would be happening in German or the Czech Republic, etc.

It’s just political realism. States try to expand as far as they can or else die. Putin is old school. Expand or be crushed.

Terrible post, Nazi appeasement.

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The germans finally coming up trumps on a number of fronts.



Get that cunt out before we shoot him.

Keev 20 minutes ago, war crimes going on, stop this madness

Everton will probably have to do the same with Usmanov.

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Look at Putin’s attack on the HSE. An unprovoked attack on the civilian population of a neutral country, apparently because he didn’t get a planning permission decision. How did Ireland encroach on Russia? He’s a scummy crook and you’re a fucking gom.

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The same owners who’s country abstained the UN vote last night as they believed Russia had genuine security concerns

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Ralf Stegner, a senior Member of Parliament for Germany’s ruling Social Democrats, told the BBC that the Minsk-Normandy process agreed to by France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine in 2015 is still the right framework for ending the civil war.

Where is there a civil war?

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read the link bud